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is this attractive?


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So I went to a work party the other day, which I never had done before. Most of the people I work with are younger than me. I felt had had to show my face for being a sport and part of a work group. Anyway, it was vegas style theme..I didnt really dress up like vegas style, but I tried to. WHen I got there it was really strange seeing work people out of work all dressed up. At one point a few of the girls who were drinking did these sexual stripper dance on strip poles. I know guys like wild girls and it was all in good fun, but it kinda depressed me. Is that what guys like? Wild girls who have the confidence to dance dirty on a strip pole in front of people....Both the guys and the girls annoyed me and i didnt feel like i fitted in...I tried to enjoy it for the novelty of it and excitement, but the next day it kinda made me never want to go to a work party again..Maybe I am jealous? I just feel like these girls were putting on such a show and flaunting their sexuality so much, I wondered how attractive that is to guys....All the guys seemed to really like it....But they werent really the type of guys I like anyway..I dont think I ever want to go to another work party..haha...Am I a prude?

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No, I have felt the same way. You feel uncomfortable b/c you view them as equals yet they are doing something you don't respect. It puts you in a quandry where you question whether you are the one who is wrong and they are the ones who are right since you are in the minority. You don't have to be them, and visa versa.

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The reason why it worked for these girls here is because it happened at a work party, this is behavior/a situation that they normally aren't engaging in, so it has that kind of erotic appeal.


If you don't like'em don't go, but i think you felt threatend by them, and there is where the issue lies...if you were secure with yourself, boredom-amusement would've been your reaction.

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maelstrom, I might have been a little jealous of their good dancing abilities...haha...But I was a little weirded out that it was my co workers humoing a pole in front of gauking men....I stood there and watched amused, but then it was just kinda weird to me...afterwords it seemed like the girls were high off the attention and THEY seemed insecure about it, saying they shouldnt have done it...But they would have probably done it again if given the chance.....

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So I guess guys do like kinda * * * * ty trashy wild girls....I think I am the opposite. I think my sexuality is subtle and I try to dress classier and try to be as down to earth and myself as possible...NEVER feel the need to put on a show or be the center of attention, rather, I'd like to talk one on one with people and get to know them that way and be attractive through being who I am..It was all in good fun, the dancing and all...But it was all such a stage for the girls to show off their stuff I guess.....yuck I say....

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Hopefully as these girls get older they will realize that this kind of behaviour is highly INAPPROPRIATE for a work party. All of the horny guys may have been interested in them but I wonder what the mature adults in the decision-making positions of the work organization will think...wonder if that will have a negative impact on how far up they go in that place.

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welllll, It was a work party, but my job is not office type, and none of the higher ups were there....It was more friends from work all on the same level as eachother....It was all in good fun, it was just very strange to see a co worker I didnt know so well dirty dancing on a pole..people were throwing dollars at them and they were taking the money...Maybe they are part time strippers? I have nothing wrong with that,...Just not what you expect when you go to a work party I think....I sound like such a prude and an old fart and Im not that old!

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I don't think you are a prude, you just have a set of limits that are higher than your co workers. You shouldn't feel bad about not wanting to attend anymore... you gave it a shot and you didn't like it.. sobeit. Where I work, we've been open less than 2 years and have had 2 parties outside of work, both were disasaterous, which makes me even happier I didn't attend.

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I don't think it's about whether you're a prude or not. You are not forced to engage in any behavior or attend any parties that you're not interested in or comfortable with. However, does it matter if they do it? I imagine it was all in fun and I know that I've been known to play around this way, at parties that have these themes, and I'm 37. I don't think that makes me some kind of * * * * * . Overall, behave the way you want to behave, let others do what they want to do, and don't worry about how attractive that is to guys.


My guess is that the girls enjoyed flaunting their sexuality a bit, and the guys gave the appropriate response. Doesn't mean that these guys want to date them or not date them. It likely means that the guys were playing the game with them at that moment, in fun.

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If anything, I find girls like that very unattractive, and I'm a younger guy! I like women who value themselves as people and not as a piece of meat. Sure, some of those women may have been sexually attractive, but that's a trashy thing to do in my mind and I would never pursue them for a relationship.

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haha..I just thought maybe I need to let loose a bit and take it for the silly fun it was..No one was stripping naked, but the way they were dancing they might as well been...If it was just a dance floor of people dancing and they were doing that, it'd been alot cooler, but everyone stood around and guys threw dollars at the girls..maybe I wasn drunk enough..haha! But yeah..I dont think any amound of alcohol could get me to do that, probably cause Id look like a klutz doing it..haha....

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When I go out to bars/clubs/parties and see women behaving like this, it depresses me too. I think it is unfortunate how when some women behave like this, they can get a great deal of male attention (albeit of a certain variety). I always wish I could tell these women that they don't have to do these sort of things to get male attention (and I've seen things at clubs much, much worse than pole-dancing); there are plenty of guys to whom this type of behavior is actually a turn-off. Watching stuff like that just makes me feel distaste for all the parties involved.


Not all men like it. I certainly don't.

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the wanderer..I guess it is good I like guys like you who dont like that stuff..I have more respect for them..To each their own...but seriously....One guy who was watching came up to where some of us were hanging out and was acting all macho and annoying and saying "what red blooded male wouldnt watch that"....It was annoying...too much flaunting on the womans side and testosterone on the guys side..it all just seemed trashy to me....and no where close to where I would want to be coming from..haha...

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