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Closure (5 months). (Sequel to "The Old Us"))


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Time for the signs to come down

the banners to burn

there is no celebration

no feeling, no butterflies to yearn


no soul to feel

and no heart to break

there is nothing to build up inside

Its time to say goodbye


So this is the last time I get my shot

to write down just what I thought I lost

I will never write of this again

you've asked me to forget it ever happened


When we sat at the bar tonight

it finally clicked to me

there was never going to be wedding bells

no glorious ceremony


You said that we might have a future

further down the line, but I cut you off

there can't be hope, we've run out of time


Perhaps I'm bitter, but I won't suffer

Won't let this happen again

I'd rather never love at all

then see it fade again


and I ask this now myself


Where was the smile I fell in love with?

the laugh that wasnt fake?

the smile that I used to have

when we used to go on dates?


They can't be dates anymore

because your afraid I'll have a misconception

You can't tell me anything

because your afraid of what i'll think,

or I'll mistake your affection


I feel the noose begin to tighten

as the love is losing sway

it hurts, I never loved so much

and now it goes away


But I ask you friends, how would you feel

if you were monitored, censored, concealed

because you felt something so real?

How would you feel if you loved with your heart

only to feel it fall apart


It was hopeless from the get-go

I never had a chance

a heart so wounded as yours

couldn't be healed by jesus' hands


So the seasons come, and I know I'll recall,

but I'll never again admit,

during these 5 months, I found love

I will never forget


So i'll see you in the classroom

and on the streets sometimes

but your the shell of the girl I loved

a fragment of my life


Sleep already comes hard for me, so much is in the way

I know i'll try to be nostalgic, and remember the old days

but I think our days are over, time to throw them all away.



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