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A special Goodbye to A special Person...


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The pedals drop

The leaves fall

I sit here nothing at all

Not moving

Not thinking

Wondering about it all

How did I get here

How did I become this troll

Everything started out right

Our future looked so bright

The shine in your eye

Now just faded washed away

I gave you strength

I helped you grow

For that I should be happy

But that was my down fall

Now I wish you the best

Your future so full

I see the flower I helped grow

But with a gust of wind

That was my words

I blew you away

Never to return





Please accept this as my goodbye and best wishes on everything you want from life. You deserve it. You trully are special.

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I'm surprised nobody has left a comment for your poem yet, so thought I'd write one myself. That was wonderfully written, sad but heart felt, something we can all relate to from time to time. Don't forget, with every goodbye there is another hello just around the corner. Again, I loved reading that, well done.

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