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Was I smart to run away from this place?

Double J

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I had an interview today for a position at a small ad agency. The first thing I saw when I pulled into the parking lot was an Obama/Biden sign. I also saw framed pictures the lady took with Obama and Clinton, each prominently displayed in her office. I had never seen a company that openly endorses its political affiliation in such a way. Granted, the woman who interviewed me is the owner/president of the small agency.


Long story short, the woman was very hung up on money throughout the whole interview. She asked if I live alone or with anyone else (illegal), obviously trying to gauge how in need of money I was. What's more, she pointed at the economy and how "many people out there aren't making much money right now anyway." It seems as if the agency was looking to hire someone young who wouldn't demand too much money.


The lady was somewhat disrespectful. I showed her my portfolio and she implied that it wasn't a big deal. She said the main thing that caught her eye was that I graduated summa cum laude. But the fact I had about 3 years of experience didn't seem to count for much.


She said she wanted me to come in Friday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and work 8 hours for minimum wage. Provided that everything goes well, there was a "chance" she'd make an offer, but it wasn't certain. She had asked me to be upfront about how much I made at my most recent job (got laid off) and I told her to do the same regarding the salary range. She stayed quiet for about 5 seconds and proceeded to say that she offers people anything from $20,000 to $100,000. Talk about dancing around the question.


I saw that the company stated on Craigslist that they've been subject to cyber-bulling, which means others don't hold favorable opinions of the place.


What do you guys think?

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Craigslist, well that isn't the best place, at least I think to get a high paying career job. I mean they do have some jobs there, but to find a real good one on there probably isn't good. Good thing you ran you would of not been able to advance in a company like that!

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You Negotiate. Of course the initial offer is going to ge low. Would you respect any business owner who didn't try to get quality talent for the cheapest price. It's a tough world out there baby (especially now in this economic climate) and the quicker you learn the game the better chance of survival.

Show her your work again, point out every little detal of your talent in your work. and then firmly state that by utilising your talent,education and proven ability that you will be the top earner the agency has been looking for (LOOK HER IN THE EYE'S when you say this). And lets face it, business owners name, that kind of confidence and talent comes at a price, and my price is $$$$ an hour (pick a number). Then start negotiating.

What have you got to lose?


Never TO_L8 To Negotiate

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TO L8,


I would have loved to negotiate had she given me the opportunity. Like I said, she couldn't even give me a rough estimate of what she might offer. She was very inflexible; I think she just wanted to take me for a ride, plain and simple.

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I just turned down an interview with a company because I have the feeling they're going to work me like a dog and treat me not very well. There were some warning signs already. The company also mentioned to me at the first interview that former employees have posted on different websites, not to work for them. That gave me a bad feeling.....so I ran.


I feel a little guilty about turning them down because the economy's bad and I really want a job....but I also don't want to sign up to be treated like crap.

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It's tough to say. I had an interview like that once. The office looked like it was set up yesterday. The guy interviewing me told me I'd be an independent contractor and would only receive income on what I sold, no benefits whatsoever. That's all fine and well, but the company was a startup. My life was not. I still had a mortgage to pay, and no time to fuss around with a start up. The interview ended when I told him my salary requirements.



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I just turned down an interview with a company because I have the feeling they're going to work me like a dog and treat me not very well. There were some warning signs already. The company also mentioned to me at the first interview that former employees have posted on different websites, not to work for them. That gave me a bad feeling.....so I ran.


I feel a little guilty about turning them down because the economy's bad and I really want a job....but I also don't want to sign up to be treated like crap.


Dude... you take a perfect strangers advice over not having a job? No offense intended, but it's a fairly common theme that people are disgruntled. And it's those folks who complain about their work places. YOU need to find out if the story is true, unless of course you know a close friend who worked for them and you trust that persons opinion. Go take the interview! It will be good just for the practice.


Sorry to go off topic OP.



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Dude... you take a perfect strangers advice over not having a job? No offense intended, but it's a fairly common theme that people are disgruntled. And it's those folks who complain about their work places. YOU need to find out if the story is true, unless of course you know a close friend who worked for them and you trust that persons opinion. Go take the interview! It will be good just for the practice.


Sorry to go off topic OP.




well, i got a bad vibe from the interviewers...one of them had kind of red eyes..i thought he might be high or something...not sure.

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If the rent is due and you are offering me money for work, you can treat me pretty badly and I'll still show up for work. I think we are going to be seeing a lot of homeless people in the near future. Take any work you can get!


we might start seeing bald people too, because i feel like my hair is going to fall out.

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Oh, I don't think you ought to beat yourself up about running from this place..


Tell me something though, you wrote this: " Long story short, the woman was very hung up on money throughout the whole interview. She asked if I live alone or with anyone else (illegal), obviously trying to gauge how in need of money I was."


IS it illegal to ask if you live alone or not? I am not trying to challenge you in the least, just not aware of all the diffo things that an employer is not supposed to ask you.


I got a new job now.. I think both the boss and the associate I work with are gay. That doesn't bother me.. but what does, is that the associate will start talking about some very vulgar things in my presense...of a homosexual nature.


I am not sure it could be called sexual harassment, since he's gay and male and I'm female & str8 and he's obviously not interested in me, romantically.


I just wonder if this gets much worse, how much I gotta put up with before I have a talk with the owner? We didn't get any rules on from the company on sexual harassment or discrimination...it's a small company.. but I'm thinking these are just blanket rules in most states. Am I wrong?


Besides.. if you are a college graduate and then have 3 years of exp under your belt, then NO WAY shud you have to work for min. wage!


That's an OUTRAGE! Well, I find it funny, someone who's an Obama supporter thinks we shud all work for peanuts, even those graduating Summa cum laude...! =;=;


Maybe she wants us ALL to end up on the dole! Sure sounds like it.. don't go down this route.. take ANY job, unless you absolutely HAVE TO!


Don't sell yourself down the river... You are gonig to need a GOOD-Paying job, when things get much tougher, and they may just!


Good luck.. I worked in advertising before too. It's fun.. I would love to get another ad job!

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