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The loneliest place


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I am lonely

but not alone

unkempt, my hair short but long

clean but messy

my room is a disaster

papers are scattered

but i don't care

I slide the clutter on my bed to make room to sleep

I sleep on one side of a two sided bed

live one side of a two sided life


I close the curtains to shut out the sun

I turn on fans because I'm too hot

I put more blankets on because I'm too cold


People worry because they don't see me

but then ignore me when they do.

I get phone calls when people want something

and voice mail's when I call


My mind it tends to wander

to the places it shouldn't roam

the loneliest place I have found

is where I dwell the most


So I packed my bags to travel

except there were no bags to see

because how can I run from something

when it lives inside of me..

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