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Signs of a rebound realationship?


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Hello, I was just wondering if anyone knew what some of the signs of a rebound relationship. I had a friend who just got out of a horrible realationship and she found a new guy that she liked and started going out with him and possibly thinks she might be in love with him. For some reason the realationship just dont seem right to me and i was wondering if anyone knew what a girl acted like in a rebound realationship or what some signs of one of these types of relationships might be.

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Well, the rebound is a term for the way people behave in the early period after they get dumped. Some don't have a rebound period, some have a lengthy one. During that time all sorts of things can happen. They can either be desperately looking for someone else to go out with, because they feel that there is such a gap in their life they just have to fill it. Or they can go completely off relationships altogether, and reject anyone that comes near them, because they are hurting, and dont want to feel that hurt again, or put themselves in a position where they can be hurt again. It depends on the individual. You really never know unless you are around the person and speak to them. They are likely to be vulnerable if they were having a really serious relationship, and you have to be careful.


How is she coping with her new relationship? The relationship doesn't seem right to you? How does it feel to her? What is she feeling?


Hopefully, her new found love won't be reckless with her heart, she is in a vulnerable position at the moment, and someone playing with her emotions is not what she needs. She may need your support.

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It depends on how long she/he got out of the relationship, under a month and its rebound territory for sure. If she is really thinks she/he's in love with them, and says how hot they are then it probably just a crush.

Chances are it is, and once something doesn't go perfect between them it will be over. Also, if they run into their ex this could bring up memories and stop the new one. It could also just be a sex thing, and those don't last to long anyway.

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