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Thanks Bad Wolf. He's only friendly to family members. That beak of his is deathly.


I like the second one of the close-up of the little duckling. I love macro/close-up photography.


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Inspired by some of the macro enthusiasts at Flickr. A needle with a drop of a refracted yellow daisy.

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wow, that looks awesome! I also love macro photography but my images are no where near as good as yours lol. How long have you been practicing photography for? if you don't mind me asking.


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i know I've uploaded these images on here already but I'll upload em again so you don't need to search thru this thread if you wanted to look at them.

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Thank you Bad Wolf. I've always had an interest in photography, but just couldn't really afford the equipment until just two months ago. I am shooting with just a Nikon D40 and my equipment is very basic, the standard kit lens (18-55mm) and a macro filter. For the refraction photo, I only used natural lighting from the ceiling lamps. Yes, I shot this in the kitchen at midnight my time! I had my setting to manual mode and manual focus, and camera mounted on a tripod to avoid hand shake. I was a bit surprised that it turned out ok.

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Thank you Bad Wolf. I've always had an interest in photography, but just couldn't really afford the equipment until just two months ago. I am shooting with just a Nikon D40 and my equipment is very basic, the standard kit lens (18-55mm) and a macro filter. For the refraction photo, I only used natural lighting from the ceiling lamps. Yes, I shot this in the kitchen at midnight my time! I had my setting to manual mode and manual focus, and camera mounted on a tripod to avoid hand shake. I was a bit surprised that it turned out ok.


The D40 is quite a nice camera for its price, I'm starting to wish I didn't spend so much on mine... How good are the macro filters? I was looking at some awhile ago but didn't know how well they preformed compared to a macro lense.


I only use manual mode and manual focus now. Having that extra control really can make or break a photo. Do you save your photos under RAW or jpeg?


btw, clever name lightdrawer, if it means what I think it means anyway.


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Nice Bad Wolf.


Yes, LightDrawer means what you think it means. LoL


As to what file format I shoot in, just the basic JPEG. I'm not too familiar with RAW. I know a lot of the professional photographers shoot in Raw. I still need to read up on the difference between RAW and JPEG.

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One more refraction (kind of abstract), a palm leaf inside a droplet riding on the tail of a scraggy rose leaf.


I need to get myself a macro lense or macro filter Even with the 300mm (480mm on my DSLR) I can't get close enough to really small things like insects and petals since I have to stand 1.5m away from the object with the 300mm lense.


RAW format is like the negatives in film cameras so you have to process/develop the photo at home. Which mean, you can set things like the whitebalance, reduce noise and increase sharpness and colour space. The thing I like about it the most is that you can increase or decrease the exposure to the photo without damaging the photo or it looking weird like they can if you use try brighten/darken the photo in jpeg format.


It really is the holy grail of photography and you should defiantly try it. The only thing is, RAW format is 2-3 times larger than that of the jpeg or tiff format. I have an 8mp camera so the max resolution is 3456 x 2304 and in jpeg format they're usually around 4-6mb but in RAW format they're around 15mb...


link removed this will be able to explain it better than I can.


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I like the Daisy. Yes, you should definitely invest in a macro filter (or lens if you have the money). I was looking into getting a macro lens but they are so expensive and so out of my budget! I wanted to test out my macro photography skills first before shelling out my arm and leg for the lens. My next equipment since I like macro so much will be extension tubes. I hear they give far better images and you can get much closer to an object than macro filters (though still not as prime as a true macro lens).


Hmmm - I'll have to shoot in RAW one day.


Nice EquestrianDynamo!

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No, my camera didn't come with an editing software because I bought it used though still in mint condition. For now I only use the free version of GIMP so all my photos are pretty much not heavily post-processed with the exception of maybe sharpening, unmasking, and contrasting. I looked into getting photoshop, but that's a cost of my other arm and leg. LoL

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