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Someone Special, Someone True


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Hi all,


I would like to dedicate this poem to a fantastic girl I met online, we shared what I felt was the most special relationship I've ever had, it had depth and quality unlike many of the "real life" ones I've had. This one I hope gives a sense of pride and power to the idea of meeting online and to those who are hoping to find that special someone...I know we all have our own ideas on that matter, but meeting this person gave me a whole new perspective on the idea. I hope you enjoy it, it's going at the front of a book of poems I'm planning on writing.






I woke up late one cool autumn morning,

Unbeknownst that something truly special was dawning,

Before I go through the motions of just another day,

I wish to dedicate this verse to you in my own way.


Your tone was soft and kind, your words tender and true,

Just a photo was all I could see of you,

Yet together we found a closeness I will not soon forget,

Nor will the time or distance we endured ever make me regret.


Arriving home from work I would gleefully pick up the telephone,

The first sound of your voice taking us to a world of our own,

The daily grind of the busy corporate world fading quickly out of sight,

As cheerfully we chattered and chuckled long into the night.


We shared stories beyond the ears of others, infinite secrets untold,

An investment of grace and harmony held within two pure hearts of gold,

Where many succumbed to seeds of doubt, we maintained our faith and pride,

In a world constantly tested by the forces of time and tide.


This world was our oyster, a universe that knew no bounds,

Filled with hopes and dreams abound,

From sipping Starbucks lattes to strolling underneath divine moonlit skies,

This was a relationship mercifully removed from the grim realism of deceit and lies.


And so I finally plucked up the courage to say,

That I would love to come and visit you one day,

For I would surely travel many a distant mile,

To see the everlasting serenity of your smile.


A spring was in my step and a gleam was in my eye,

As I thought of you, a beautiful girl in a land beyond the far away sky,

The technology that had united us still at the forefront of my mind,

Which for weeks had produced a relationship of a very different kind.


But sadly that inevitable time came when fate would again intervene,

Bringing to an end a seemingly timeless yet wondrous dream,

As our lives took us elsewhere, I hope you will find dreams anew,

Yet still I will smile when I remember you, someone special, someone true.

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