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I feel alone all the time. How do you deal with it?


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Ever since I was little I've loved having people around. I used to do Drama in high school, along with every other club. I had tons of friends (maybe not close ones, but always someone to do something with.) Then, after high school and two failed attempts at college, I met my ex, who encompassed every part of my life for a year and a half before slowly crushing me and whatever was left of me after so many failures. He was just another. Even though I kept in touch with friends during my relationship, I didn't realize how alone I was without my ex. All my friends go to colleges 2 hours or even states away, and those friends only number about 4 or 5. I can't keep a best friend, I'm too jealous after losing every best friend I've ever had to another one of my friends and being left alone. My one friend in my small town works 60 hour weeks and sleeps, I don't see him anymore. I take classes at the community college, lectures where I don't know anyone, and the student union is tables full of in-town cliques. I live with my parents who I'm beginning to resent because they're the only ones I have to talk to. I cry every day usually, especially on weekends when I used to do things. I don't know what to do. I feel so alone and lonely all the time. Do any of you feel this way? What do you do?

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I have gone through this too. After my ex whom I dated for the 2 years of college moved away, I literally had to rebuild my whole social structure. It was hard, but it was definitely a learning experience...and I'm thankful for it. It was very freeing! I just took up whatever opportunity came my way to hang out with people and eventually met some really amazing people! I focused on my passions too...I think if you are open and willing there are friends to be made.


From your post I do think you need to look inward at some issues you are dealing with...you mentioned being too jealous to keep a best friend...well we can't think of people as our possessions, no matter how much we love them! Just have fun and enjoy your friends...you can't control the actions of others, only your own.


Are there any clubs you can get involved in at school? I know how hard it is to feel so lonely, so I'm wishing you all the best in finding some true friends! In the mean time, take this time to really reflect on yourself and grow...


much love to you!


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I know how you feel. I am always alone. I don't have any friends anymore. I used to but they all moved away. I am not into the bar or club scene at all. When I am lonely I always try to stay busy. I usually workout, rent a movie, play some x box, eat, go to the library, go the park, sleep.

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