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How can i get his attention back?!


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Hi Everyone,


I posted about a month ago explaining my situation where i had recently had sex with a guy who had become a good friend of mine (&used to be my boss). There had been an attraction between for a few months & then when i broke up with my boyfriend (due to long-standing problems) we bagan to see more of each other outside work. This resulted in us having sex when i spent the day at his house.


Since then i have seen him almost every weekend and we have had sex each time. My problem is that i feel like i'm losing him. He asked me to go over to his on Sunday of last weekend but i couldn't cos i already had plans. I last saw him the previous weekend and everything was fine. However, recently we have been in contact much less during the week than we have been before now. Since October we have had some form of contact every night but now this seems to be disappearing...


Tonight i knew he might be busy with work so i didn't phone him & instead i sent him a message just to say 'Hi' and see how he's going on & i've had no reply all night...It's driving me mad thinking about it!


Do you think he's lost interest cos we've slept together and maybe he feels he doesn't have to try as hard? Or maybe he's just not interested in me as much anymore? We aren't a couple & this isn't an option as he doesn't want anything serious with anyone right now and neither do i after my previous relationship. But then i find myself worrying when he doesn't reply to me!! I wanted this to be casual...have i got too attached?


Is there anyway i can get his attention back without scaring him away??


Any help will be greatly appriciated,





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If you try to get his attention back, you need to committ to the idea that you want a relationship with him, but neither of you wants that.


A few definite ideas on getting someone to fall for you: give them some emotional fulfillment; remain independent or aloof (vague as to your feelings, not needy); give them the idea that the emotional fulfillment will not be there forever, as they will want what they cannot have; watch them decide to keep their fulfillment. Seems this is where he is leading you. Turn the tables on him.

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