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Update on the guy from work

xxYoure My Butterflyxx

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Hi guys.


Just wanted to say thanks to the people who gave me advice on my last thread and to let you know that I asked him myself - he has a gf hehe. I had a bit of a chat with him after I finished work tonight (I bought some stuff and got him to ring it up). I asked him was he going to the staff xmas party and he said yeah maybe, he's not sure if he's working that night, he thinks he might be, but if he's not then he'll go. I asked was he taking his gf and he said he will ask her, but doesn't think she will go because she's not into that sort of stuff. He then asked me was I going and I said I think I'm working that night too so probably not. He asked me when it is (LOL - he has put his name on the RSVP list already! Hahaha) and I told him and he said yeah, he's problably working but he'll see.


He finished ringing up my stuff and asked did I want a bag, I said yes please and then he asked me did I want some tape (its a chemist - you tape the bag shut when you give it to the customer) and I said sure. He put some tape on it and said "I'll make sure its all nice and taped up secure for you" and put about 3 rolls of tape around it, LOL! Normally you just break a piece off and put that on it, but he rolled it around and around and around so much so that I had to cut the tape to get into the bag, haha. As he was winding the tape around the bag he said something like "gotta make sure it holds" and I laughed and said "yeah, I donlt want it popping open in the car" and he laughed and handed it over and said "there we go - that should hold". I smiled and said "I'll let you know" and we laughed. I said "thankyou! See you later" and started to walk away, and he goes "I do that for everyone" I was like "ok...." LOL.


It seemed a little defensive to me. I mean I'm not reading anything into it - he has a gf and I'm not going to pursue anything now - but it just seemed strange that he had to rush and say "I do that for everyone" before I walked away. Like "don't think you're getting special treatment". What do you think?


Anyway that's my update. I got up the guts to ask him about his gf to his face and I'm very proud of myself for doing so. 2 years ago I would have chickened out and wondered forever. These days I'm more confident and I feel better for it. Thanks for reading

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