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"just friends" with guy but have started dating his friend...do I tell him


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Okay..Ive posted about this similar situation in the phases as it has played out...At first I met this guy at work I had a crush on...I guess he felt the same way, cause he asked me out and we went to some shows and started hanging out. At one show I met a guy who happened to be his friend, and I developed a HUGE crush on him....One I could not get out of my head...I tried to forget about him and try to give the guy I had just started hanging out with a chance, but I just knew it wasnt fair to be hanging out with him if it could possibly get in the way of anything developing with this other guy....


So after posting on here for advice and biting my nails over what to do...I told the guy I was hanging out with I just wanted to be friends.....That it wasnt good we worked together and I wasnt ready for anything right now...After that I went to the other guys work to feel out whether he felt the same way..Sure enough he asked me for my phone number, and we've been hanging out ever since....I dont know if it is dating or what it is..But we are in the early stages and really like eachother...besides my questioning my attraction to him sometimes....Anyway, my question has to do with my friendship with the other guy.


He called me up a little later and said it was a good idea we were just friends, and that he had just gotten out of a relationship and wasnt ready to jump into anything else....We only see eachother at work now...I made him a cd the other day of a band he was looking for, and then he texted me that he was going to make me one....We have the same taste in music...I feel like if I wasnt with his friend, we could have developed a more intimite relationship...But I am with his friend...


Am what I am doing the right thing? Do I need to hurt him and tell him Im with his friend? Eventually if things with his friend continues, he will find out....I wonder if us being just friends he thinks the friendship will grow into us dating....I dont want to lead him on in that way either....Any advice?

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