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something wierd, please help with advise


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Me and my girlfriends are VERY close. She tells me she is very deeply in love with me, and I am just the same. We spend almost ALL our time together... as soon as I get home from work I go to her house, or pick her up from school.


We know eachothers hotmail passwords, and I went on her account today, to leave a silly message in her MSN messenger display name. I checked her email to see if this email I sent went through properly, and as I went in I noticed she had a large amount of junkmail.


Just because I was bored I was gonna go in the junkmail, and clear it all out for her. Thats when I noticed this email saying "Your account has been activated!" from link removed


I thought that was a weird place to get an email from and an odd title so I checked it out. I looked at her profile on link removed and she made a profile... much of the things were not true about her (her height etc were sorta off). But lots of them were right also, and I tested setting up an account without picking prerferences, and it doesnt automatically pick your prefs.


And she "expressed interest" in one guy on there from the United Kingdon (were both from BC, Canada). She would have had to search for appropriate matches and then check his profile as being interested.


She phones me from school on my lunch break at work almost everyday, and she is going to today. Should I question her about this, or give it some time and see if she sends a message to him or finds anymore "matches"?


Im not sure if I should wait, or just ask her about it very nicely and understandingly... because you never know, some sites sign you up and crap. But I dont think it is, because of the usernames it used.


Please help, I have a lump in my throat. thanks

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well, if you have both have previously discussed going through each other's email, and she didn't care, then I would say something to her. That's not really very nice of her, considering she has a boyfriend. If you think she would get angry with you though, for going through her email, then trying to talk to her about what you found in her junk mail isn't going to do you very much good.


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no she doesnt care at all.


She told me before when she GAVE me her password, "you might as well have it, I have nothing to hide."


I gave her mine too. She HAS read some of my emails before... from work I emailed myself, with an email titled "notes to self" and I put a note for her at the bottom that was just a joke. A few days later she said she read it just to see what it is, and she told me she saw what I said to her. We just laughed about it.


I couldnt care less if she read my emails... and I believe if she saw a membership registration on a dating site in my email, she would deffinitely check it, and I thikn she would have every right to. We are commited to each other, and I dont thik thats a breach of trust at all.


I checked the profile again and stuff, and it seems really weird. She put a postal code thats in the UK, and a city thats in the UK. She would have to do some research to even know that postal code. Her preferences seem even less likely to be her now that I kinda calmed down a bit. Maybe it was just some SPAM crap?


I think Im gonna ask her about it, but Im not gonna accuse of even signing up. Im just gonna... say I was curious why she had an email from them. Im not even sure yet.


still need some help

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I think I pm'd you earlier by mistake. I think that, after reading your reply, that since you to have been open about your emails than it's okay to inquire about it. But be sure not to put her on the defensive about it, I would just ask what it was all about, it could be someone else it could be her having fun, but I highly doubt it's something wheres she's trying to find someone else (if she was why would she look in the UK and not in BC, Can?) Maybe she has a friend their that for whatever reason you don't know about...I'm sure it's nothing major.

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Before she called I pretty well concluded it wasnt her who setup the account, but some weird SPAM automatic sing-up crap.


1) it would be had to be THIS morning (thats when the activation emails came) and she was getting ready for school, and the 3 minutes she had free before she left, she talked to me on MSN!


2) the UK? She isnt the type of girl to try and get to know some stranger over the internet, thats not even from her own country. I dont thik shede have time to get a UK postal code before she went to school neither.


3) Things have been going SO incredibly good between us, and SHE tells me that, its not me dreaming. She loves me and tells me it every chance she gets, she doesnt even LOOK at other guys! She says I am the first guy who she has NEVER saw me even LOOK at another girl, harmlessly or not. So she gives me the same respect and says she doesnt even get the urge to look at other dudes when she has a "perfect" on beside her.


4) I trust her that she would never cheat, or do something that would make me upset (like meeting guys on a dating website).


I just told her that I seen the email, and thought it was kinda weird. But the profile wasnt her at all. She didnt have a clue what it was about, and I believe her.


Im just quick to get scared. Something as valuable as her, even the slightest threat kinda gives me a lump in my throat.


Thanks, but I think everything will be ok.


One thing that ISNT ok, is that link removed send those types of emails out. I think it was just some SPAM system from when she signed up at another website, and they gave her information out (email/username)


What if that got sent to a married couple, who were already having problems? thats horrible.

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