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Swollen Lip


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Long story short while I was playing squash yesterday I had a racquet accidentally thrown at me. I tried to block it with my arm, which I did partially. If I didn’t I probably would have been picking my teeth off the ground. So my forearm is a little bit busted up, but my jaw and lower lip took the most of the hit.


Yesterday I iced it 15 min on 15 min off for a little while to reduce the swelling. Today I have a nice long bruise along my lip and jaw, and the area is swollen. Does anyone have any ideas to reduce the swelling? Do I keep using ice, or do I use heat now? Any other ideas?


I am a shy person and I am trying to talk to more people to overcome it, and most of these encounters come on weekends. I am not sure what is happening to night but something like this could be a self conscious issue for me. If I can’t really do anything with it, maybe I could use it as an interesting conversation piece.


Thanks for the help.

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I think you should stick with ice (my trainer always tells me to use ice) and maybe take some ibuprofen. It's not going to disappear quickly though.


Hey, maybe you can use it as a conversation starter. If a girl asks what happened, say the other guy looks worse Or make up some funny story and then be like, naw it's from playing squash. I'd keep talking to a guy who would just make fun of the situation.

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Apply ice 5-6 times a day for 48 hours then moist heat (same schedule) thereafter until healed.


When I say "moist heat" I mean a small towell, hed under the hot water. Not a heating pad, or hot water bottle. Moist heat works better.


I agree with ibuprofen for pain.



And next time; DUCK, ya big Doof!

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Thanks guys for the advice.


I had far less than a second to react. I was only about 3-4 feet away from him when he lost grip of the racquet. I reacted as quick is I could, and I generally have excellent reaction time. It probably would have turned out better if I wasn't watching him hit the ball, it would have just hit me in the back of the head.

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When I play racquetball with my dad, he always tells me NOT to turn around and watch him hit the ball after I've hit it, just for that reason. The ball or racquet could come flying and that's bad. He's seen a lot of people get hurt.


Of course I never actually remember because I automatically want to see where the ball is going haha.

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When I play racquetball with my dad, he always tells me NOT to turn around and watch him hit the ball after I've hit it, just for that reason. The ball or racquet could come flying and that's bad. He's seen a lot of people get hurt.


Of course I never actually remember because I automatically want to see where the ball is going haha.


It is actually very helpful not looking at the person. It allows you to react to the ball coming off the wall. If you are looking at the person/ ball as it is being hit you will be reacting to where it came from, not where it is going to be. Of course it is good in theory, as you can see it doesn’t always happen.


The shot in question was a kill shot, so I was admiring my work. He swung anyway


My lip is all healed up now, I can’t see it anymore.


Aww admit it, you were both watching the girl on the next court with the short skirt!


I admit nothing.


There are very few women players, but we sure notice them when they do play. I always thought it would be a great activity to take a date to.

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I can see where you are coming from. Squash is a bit quicker than racquetball so I need all the advantages I can get. Plus I haven't play racquetball in years. I find I play squash better if I only react to the ball coming off the wall. I play most sports with no fear, if I get hurt I get hurt. To bad that doesn’t translate in talking to women, hahaha.


Racquetball balls hurt a heck of a lot more if you get hit by them than a squash ball. I can understand running out of the way, those things can rip skin off. Hahaha.

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LOL I have lots of fear!! But I'm getting better. With my personal trainer, I used to be so insanely cautious of every move I made. I'm much less so (although it's not completely gone lol). I love racquetball though. I love the mental aspect as well as the physical. My dad takes it really easy on me (I've won every game since I was 4), but a new friend of mine at the gym is scary! At first I would just run when she hit the ball, now I'm starting to hit it back just as hard. I love it! I've never played squash though. I don't really know the difference between the two well.


With women, find a way to approach it like a game of squash. I don't know how, but try to apply the same mentality. No fear! If you lose a game of squash, do you make it through? Of course. And if you win, that's awesome. Meanwhile, you've had a great game. Same with women. If she isn't interested, oh well, but hopefully you've had some fun in the meantime or at least learned something. And if she is, you've won! haha I'm such a dork.

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