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Acne... Ughh

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i have a bad case of acne. i consulted a derm, she put me on accutane, its been 3weeks, my face hasnt gotten better, its been worst, i have many white aheads accross my forehead and my cheeks. its embarasing and i havent left the house. i dont want to pick at them, but i guess i have no choice. is there any remedies or "ways" to pick them that result in less pain, and so that they wont get worst?

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I use to take my tow index fingers and sqweez the whithead from both sides making sure that all the white stuff came out. I no longer have Acne problems ever since I started taking this medication (ACNE RELIEF) Im guessing that its working. Have you tried Pro Active many people have told me that it really does work. link removed here is the link to their page. I never used it before but my friend used it and he had a bad case of ACNE and it worked. You just need to apply it like 3 times a day. Anyway how it goes away I really hated ace myself.

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If you pick them, you can get scars.


I would really suggest listening to your doc. It's frustrating, I know...


Make sure that your bed sheets are clean and that you aren't washing too much and irritating the problem.


I've been there.. when I was a teen a I played sports and I had it really bad. It sucked.


Be sure to get out and get in the sun when you can as well. It's funny how the body can sometimes self-regulate itself. Be sure to get out and about.

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Just a comment about sunlight.


If you are on accutane you need to AVOID exposure to the sun. Accutane makes your skin extra sensitive to sunlight and so you need to be super careful. Use extra sunscreen, sunglasses, hats, cover-ups, etc.


Otherwise the posters have some super ideas. Keep up with the doctors program. It will take a few months but you will start healing up.



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thank you for the help. i never said i was going to stop the medication. and also i washed my face many times a day, maybe four times? well thanks for telling me not to over wash it, maybe that was my problem? does anyoen know of any good cleansers that are easy on the face?

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accutane is a VERY strong drug. you do not have to use any other acne treatments on your face and should wash your face twice a day. what the drug does is it somehow stops your face from producing oil thereforeeee making your face, nose, eyes and lips extremely dry. you must apply moisturiser on your face and avoid exposure to the sun. when your eyes start to dry use eye lubricant. lip conditioner for the lips. sunscreen when outdoors.


when starting treatment with accutane, your acne will become worse. maybe to get rid of all the bacteria built up in your face. but after time it will become better. and after time, i mean 6-9 months. but this drug by far is the most controversal and affective drug on the market.


follow those steps stated above immediately because when your skin begins to dry, eyes become gritty and lips peel and bleed, it will become unbearable.

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I was on accutane for a few months and it was pretty terrible. My lips, nose, face, hands would all get so dry to the point where my lips and nose bled. Just make sure you dont let it get to that point. I also had another bad side effect from the accutane... my face would blush sometimes and it would like like I was sick or something.


They say that your acne gets worse in the first few weeks of the treatment but don't worry your acne should get better and it will make you happier in due time.


It's not gonna be easy but just try and keep your smile.

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I was put on two cycles of Roaccutane when I was a teenager (about 10 years ago) due to my severe acne. It worked miracles on my skin and cleared up my acne totally, today I have no scars or signs that would indicate that I ever had an acne problem.

However, the period I was on the drug was the worst time of my life. I was severely depressed and paranoid and constantly thought suicidal thoughts. In hindsight if I knew what the drug can do the mind I would have preferred to put up with the acne.

Depression is a side effect that probably only effects a small percentage of people taking the drug, however if you do suffer these type of side effects I recommend you let you doctor know.

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