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Interested in a guy at work...

xxYoure My Butterflyxx

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Hey guys


Long story short, I haven't dated or been in a relationship since my first and last one ended in December 2006. Almost two years lol.


I recently moved to a big city and got a part time job, and have developed a crush on one of the guys I work with. I've only been working with him for about a month, and I work there once a week. I don't know if he has a gf or not, but I'm not sure how to find out without coming right out and asking him. I make an effort to talk to him every shift, even if it's only "Hey, do you know where this goes?" haha. We have spoken a couple of times, and I have found out (from one particular conversation) when he works, that he's studying, and that his sleep patterns are messed up because of his shifts lol. I don't get much of a chance to talk to him because he works up one end of the shop and I work down the other and neither of us should really be leaving our counters, as it's always busy.


I see him looking at me sometimes but he always looks away and I try to make an effort to smile at him when I see him, but he will either not smile back, or look away before I can even smile. I guess I'm just wondering how to find out if he has a gf, and if he doesn't, how I could gauge whether or not he could be interested.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Dating a co-worker=bad.


i agree. that said - you can just exchange some banter with him. ask him what he is doing for thanksgiving. if he mentions he's going to his gf's house for dinner, then you know! ask him what's fun to do on weekends, or what are cool clubs and restaurants to go to and see what he says. he may or may not mention a gf.

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Dating a co-worker=bad.


I'm not worried about that. First I just want to see whether or not he is interested. If I found out he was, great. It's not like I'm going to be in this job for a long time, it's only some pay on the side while I'm studying, so it wouldn't really matter.


i agree. that said - you can just exchange some banter with him. ask him what he is doing for thanksgiving. if he mentions he's going to his gf's house for dinner, then you know! ask him what's fun to do on weekends, or what are cool clubs and restaurants to go to and see what he says. he may or may not mention a gf.


We don't have thanksgiving in Australia But your other ideas are good, thanks! I will try them if I get a chance to talk to him

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Hey there!


I don't think the dating a coworker thing matters here - it's only a casual job, so it's fine... A lot of people dated people from work when I was back at uni studying and working in retail...


Okay my advice would be as above, keep talking to him, asking about his weekend / plans for xmas etc.


Also depending on what sort of shop it is - can you go in when you're not working / before or after your shift / lunch break and talk to him whilst looking in the shop. Ie. if you worked in Myer, and he was in Menswear, you could go looking for a present for your dad and talk to him... etc...


Are there other people at your work who might be able to suss it out for you?



p.s. Is your username from the Delta song... I love Delta

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Hey there!


I don't think the dating a coworker thing matters here - it's only a casual job, so it's fine... A lot of people dated people from work when I was back at uni studying and working in retail...


Okay my advice would be as above, keep talking to him, asking about his weekend / plans for xmas etc.


Also depending on what sort of shop it is - can you go in when you're not working / before or after your shift / lunch break and talk to him whilst looking in the shop. Ie. if you worked in Myer, and he was in Menswear, you could go looking for a present for your dad and talk to him... etc...


Are there other people at your work who might be able to suss it out for you?



p.s. Is your username from the Delta song... I love Delta


Hey! Yes it is from the Delta song - I love her too! Are you going to the tour next year?


I work in a pharmacy. So yes, it is possible to go in when I'm not working. I did that last weekend, I took a script in to be filled, and I was in line at his counter and there were a couple of people behind me but I was next. He was just about finished with the person in front of me and I was getting excited that I was going to talk to him, when someone else came out to serve and goes "who was waiting?". Damn!! Haha.


There isn't anyone who could suss it out for me. Not that I know of anyway. I am facebook friends with who I think is his sister (they have the same last name but it hasn't been confirmed that they are related) because she works there too, but I don't know her to ask her anything about him. (She added me as a friend after I facebooked her one day to tell her I couldn't cover her shift after losing her ph number)


I might try going in again one day off and buying something from behind the counter because that, or getting a script is the only way I could talk to him.

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Yay a fellow Delta fan.. Yeah I am going to the concert in January!! So excited!!


Anyway back to the issue at hand... Just keep trying to find good times to have a chat with him. Maybe if possible and you get friendly enough, you could ask if he wants to get lunch with you at work one day? Oh and you could add him on facebook - a good way to initiate conversation.


Good luck!!



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can you see him accross the shop during the workday? make a funny face at him. lol


i don't think dating in the workplace is a good idea though.


I can see him accross the shop, but he's too far away to be able to tell if I was making a funny face. Plus he wears glasses so... he might be a bit too blind to see it anyway lol.


I appreciate your opinion but all I'm trying to do at the moment is see if there's any way of finding out whether or not he has a gf, and if not, if he could possibly be interested in me. If by some miracle it did progress to dating and something went wrong, I would just quit. This job isn't my chosen career and I'm only there until I'm finished college so it wouldn't be that big a deal

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Yay a fellow Delta fan.. Yeah I am going to the concert in January!! So excited!!


Me too! I can't wait!! I met her in August and asked her how the planning was going and she said she was soooooo excited and her face lit up it was so cute. And then when I left she was like "see you at the show!" hehe


Anyway back to the issue at hand... Just keep trying to find good times to have a chat with him. Maybe if possible and you get friendly enough, you could ask if he wants to get lunch with you at work one day? Oh and you could add him on facebook - a good way to initiate conversation.


Good luck!!




I'd love to ask him to get lunch with me but we have set break times, they're staggered so there's always someone at the counter, and unfortunatley our break times don't match. I am 10-20 mins after he has finished his break lol. He did ask me did I want anything from the sushi shop one day though. I'd already been on my break though and I hate sushi, hahaha. So I just said "no thanks" and smiled lol. I really want to add him on facebook, as I'm already facebook friends with his sister, and it would be a great way to find out his relationship status but I think he would think it weird if I added him, as I hardly know him. Maybe if we get chatting one day I could bring up facebook and ask if he's on there and say "oh you should add me!" lol. Or I could find an excuse to add him... His page is private so that's really frustrating lol. Hmm I will keep thinking. I am going into work tomorrow because I know he will be there. Hope I can chat to him

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I can see him accross the shop, but he's too far away to be able to tell if I was making a funny face. Plus he wears glasses so... he might be a bit too blind to see it anyway lol.


I appreciate your opinion but all I'm trying to do at the moment is see if there's any way of finding out whether or not he has a gf, and if not, if he could possibly be interested in me. If by some miracle it did progress to dating and something went wrong, I would just quit. This job isn't my chosen career and I'm only there until I'm finished college so it wouldn't be that big a deal


what i was saying is to start flirting with him. this is why i said the face thing. eventually you will talk more and find out anything you want.

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