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Facebook is the Devil!

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I know these online social network things are silly but.......Dated four years, Been broken up nine months and continued to stay friends. I was best friends with him before we got together and wanted to continue even after he broke up with me. At first it was hard, but the last couple months have been good. He's still there for me when I really need him and vice versa.


We both have myspace pages and while he doesnt use his very often we still keep in touch through there and so on... Some months ago I discovered he had a facebook page. (I dont have that) I decided not to go on because I knew whatever I saw there would hurt me. Well today, I decided to go on and check it out. I am literally devastated. I mean the things I saw on there shocked the H*** out of me. It was a whole new life, whole new person. Tons of pictures of girls, guys, people I don't even know. I basically was able to see his life over the past nine months. It was so horrible. I mean pictures of him in bed with three naked girls, all sorts of crazy stuff. I know curiosity killed the cat, but I feel like I have been gutted and punched in the stomach a million times. I cried and cried all day today and I know I broughtit upon myself but it sucks... Hard. I feel so sad because even after all this I still want him in my life. What is wrong with me? Why can't I just cut him out. If I truly analyze it, I have wasted almost a YEAR of my life still talking, being there for him.... Im so confused and hurt. Sorry to rant but please someone knock some sense into me??

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Maybe this is the kick in the rear you need to move on. He's obviously making a new life for yourself and it's time that you do the same. I think limiting your contact with him is best until you can do that. I don't think you can really be friends until you've moved on 100%.


So start recreating your own life. Join the gym or a social club, meet new people, take a class...just get yourself out there. The more you stay active, the better you'll feel about the new life you're making for yourself and the less you'll be thinking about him.

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It's been nine months, I have joined the gym, feeling great, lots of friends, meeting new quality people, and thought I really waas over it. I mean we talk everyday and I tell him about the people Im dating, and he does the same and I never feel awkward or hurt. Just seeing with my own little eyes a years worth of.... debauchery. really took a toll.

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