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Hello all,


I'm writing today because I am having a rough time with some things my boyfriend told me last night.


It all started about a month ago.....I had recently started taking some oral antibiotics that cause yeast infections, and I got one, or so I thought. I used the over the counter medicines for a week hoping it would go away...it didn't. I waited one more week to see if it would get better and it did, it just did not go away. Then the next week I had to wait to get my pay check. Now here it is, a month later...and I'm still red. My boyfriend and I did "things" and now he has some bumps.


He's repulsed by me now...or so he says....last night he wanted to do "things" but I didn't want to do them how he wanted. He got upset...and told me that there were sometimes he was repulsed by me. That I was becoming nasty. First of all because I hadn't gone to the doctor about my infection, and secondly because I hadn't shaved my legs in a couple weeks. He said I had let myself go....that I used to care about what he thought, and now I didn't. That I was too concerned with everyone else that I was forgetting myself. That I had no self pride. He told me that I only did things when necessary...I paid bills because I HAD to, go to work because I HAD to...he said he didn't trust me to be a part of his life, because if he'd left his rent with me it wouldn't get paid.


He told me that all his other gf's, especially the one he broke up with me for did all these things to please him. That that girlfriend especially, we'll call her X...was perfect except for her wanting to get married. He said if she didn't pressure him that they would probably still be together. That hurt. I admit I am a procrastinator, but I get things done on time. I've always been there for him, and if I've suffered on myself it's because I've been helping him. What is wrong with me?


Any advice?

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Ok, there seems to be two sides to this situation. First of all I realize that many men dont fully understand about things like yeast infections but any decent man would at least let you explain that antibiotics can cause such things and that sometimes one weeks treatment of gynelotramin doesnt do it. You should have bought a second package and treated it . If there was no improvement by three days into the second pack you should have gone to the doctor. You also should never have had sex with him knowing you were still " contageous". You absolutely can pass it on to a man and should wait at least a week or two between the infection clearing up and having sex. but anyway, you didnt. so he got it. sux to be him...so he needs to go get something to take care of it. He knew the risk im sure. So then he badgers you about not wanting to do sexual stuff with him...did he not understand when he got the yeast infection that its not a good idea? and that if he gave you oral sex he could get thrush, a painful throat infection? This guy sounds like a dirt bag. No one should be telling you that you disgust them. That is never how someone who loves you should speak to you. You made a mistake with the infection..you didnt cheat on him and give him an std for gods sake. On the other hand he does have a right to be grossed out that you didnt take care of it. As for the leg shaving thing, yeah, Id say he has a right to be grossed out about that too if you havent done it in weeks. It does sound like letting yourself go. But him comparing you to his exes and how they did stuff to please him is evil. does he do anything to please you? by posting this you must be seeing the warning signs that this guy is a complete ass ....but what i dont understand is why are you even posting this? maybe you need to work on self esteem but this guy isnt right for you..or anyone....dont waste your time posting here...instead get rid of this guy who obviously has no care or respect for you..and find yourself someone who does

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