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Have you experienced anxiety + depression at the same time?

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So right now I'm on Clonazepam, because my depression developed into some severe anxiety during my last bad relationship. Up until recently I had been engaging in all sorts of reckless behavior such as promiscuity and drinking way too much. Somehow, my feelings don't seem to get any better. I'm continually beyond miserable as I continue to be single, generally friendless, and continue to gain weight ceaselessly, despite my best efforts. I can't seem to make myself do ANYTHING, and I'm tired all the time. I can sleep 12 hours a night and still take a 3 hour nap in the afternoon. I'm only in two college classes at the moment but I loathe going to them. I've lost two jobs since the breakup because I would have breakdowns at them, or I would just be too tired, even exhausted, to go. I don't know what to do anymore. Any advice from anyone in the same situations would help.


Another thing I'm wondering is, I just read an article in December's Marie Claire regarding Adderol and other ADHD-type drugs and how they help people focus and get tons of things done and accomplished. Are these medications even an option with anxiety? Any advice would help. Thank you.

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Have you been checked for iron deficiency or B12 deficiency? That would exaggerate those feelings of fatigue you are describing. So would thyroid disorder, which would also lead to weight gain.


I would not recommend an ADHD med for anxiety as they often simulate caffeine.

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Try some 5-HTP (serotonin) - it is quite safe, natural and works really well.


Not completely accurate - don't take that stuff unless you check with a doctor first. (yeah, I do have that on medical authority). It's a precursor to seratonin in some forms but most supplements do not work in that way. They can also affect other systems in your body and endocrinologists advise against self medication with anything that affects chemical balance in your adrenal glands and brain.

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Depression and anxiety often go hand in hand. Different for everybody, but it's not uncommon for both to be there at the same time. One coming to the forefront at times, then the other one. A vicious cycle. So treating both works wonders.

I've struggled with both, still do, but it is under control and has been for a good while now. It's constant maintenance - learning a new way of life even.


What other than the med is in your treatment plan with your doc?


How long ago did you start your med? Were you drinking while taking it?

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For me, as i was in a comparable position a while ago. The antidepressants are good for getting over the physical part of depression, they take a few weeks to kick in though.


But it doesnt end at that, you really need to just get up and do something.... i know its so cliched and i know how hard it is, but really that is what needs to be done, and its all you really can do. Try to get yourself on a schedule, even if you cant stick to it try try try try try, and eventually you will get it right.

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ADHD medications for the most part are not recommended for anxiety, because they can create anxiety and depression depending on the formulation. The classification of Stimulants such as Ritalin and Concerta caused my son severe depression and he was 7 years old. They also make him violent. He now takes Strattera which is not a stimulant it is fabulous for him.


Anxiety will cause lack of focus but it is an entirely different reason than why ADHD people are unfocused.


Stick with what the dr says unless it has been a few months and it is not working. Most drugs take time to be in the system and have full affect.

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I'll second Victoria..... Ritalin caused depression in me when they tried it on me at age 9. They thought I was ADD, but I wasn't.


Try reading "The Schwarzbein Principle" - my endocrinologist gave it to me when I was going through some chemical imbalances caused by high stress, depression, anxiety and nutritional imbalances. It's written by a doctor and what she says does actually work.

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I would get depressed because of my anxiety. It would often lead me homebound on weekends because I would be to 'worried' something may happen.


all i can say is GET ON anti-depressants! i swear, prozac saved my life. some people say to just get up, work out, blah blah. but when you are so far DOWN and in this 'black hole' that stuff seems like... an impossible task. Prozac rested my mind, so i could start exercising and not worry i was gonna die all the time. It let me worry about NORMAL stuff, and not if i had some rare brain tumor. I was able to start exercising and with the prozac, increase those serotonin levels!


Also I was slightly anemic during my anxiety which led to insane sleepy ness like your describing! definitely go and get a full blood panel.

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Yes!! I did. During my last breakup. All these bottled up feelings from the physical abuse and the cheating hit me hard. I got post traumatic stress, giving me anxiety attacks and depression. I got some counselling, was prescribed anti depressants but didn't take them. I was literally shaking and trembling quite a bit. Took me a while to get over it, lots of talking to people helped me heal.

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I would get depressed because of my anxiety. It would often lead me homebound on weekends because I would be to 'worried' something may happen.


all i can say is GET ON anti-depressants! i swear, prozac saved my life. some people say to just get up, work out, blah blah. but when you are so far DOWN and in this 'black hole' that stuff seems like... an impossible task. Prozac rested my mind, so i could start exercising and not worry i was gonna die all the time. It let me worry about NORMAL stuff, and not if i had some rare brain tumor. I was able to start exercising and with the prozac, increase those serotonin levels!


Also I was slightly anemic during my anxiety which led to insane sleepy ness like your describing! definitely go and get a full blood panel.


I had a similar experience of agoraphobia (I couldn't walk into my own town.) with depression. It's very, very common to have them together. I agree with the above poster, it's not simply a matter of finding a way to relax, if you have anxiety, you can't relax. Exercise can be useful, but it is nowhere near to being a cure-all. Especially as when you have depression starting something new when your fatigued is the hardest thing.


Go to your doctor. I'd try some therapy first to work through the anxiety and the issues surrounding the depression. I completely got rid of my agoraphobia and some of the depression this way, and then had a short course of Prozac to help me with the reminants of the depression. Drugs can work wonders, but when you have both depression and anxiety I'd guess there's some sort of problem in your life you need help working through which pills wont remove.

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