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getting involved with someone who just got out of a relationship


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Okay...So I am the same person who posted a few times about hanging out with someone at work but liking his friend....Well, I kinda got out of that mess and started hanging out with his friend....I told the guy I work with I just want to be friends, even though we had a lot in common and got along really well....But I felt a strong connection with this other guy...Anyway....


I have hung out a few times with this new guy and we both admitted to really liking eachother..We have slept next to eachother, but no sex or heavy stuff..Just kissing and cuddling....Things seem okay...Even though I initially was head over heals with this guy, I dont feel AS strongly and wonder if I made the right choice to hang out with him instead of his friend...But I want to see where things go with him, as I still like him alot...


Here is the problem. He just got out of a serious relationship in which his girlfriend lived with him....Some of her stuff was still in his apartment. So yesterday he said she came over to get the last of her stuff. I talked to him today and supposedly she slept on his couch and they had a long talk the next day and he was all bummed out.....In one way I know how crappy that is, but on the other hand, I want someone to be fully into me and not all bummed out about their last relationship....He asked to hang out tomorrow or Friday, but now I feel nervous about it.


It depresses me kinda and makes me jealous that he is all sad about his ex. Maybe I am just a rebound. But then again, Im not super serious about him, so I shouldnt want him to be with me either..right? Its confusing. I told him I dont know if we should be hanging out with his break-up so fresh and him having alot of stuff going on in his head. I dont think he knew what to say back. I just told him to call me tomorrow...Maybe tomorrow we both will know better.....But does anyone think I should or should not be hanging out with him?

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although i look at the term "rebound" as just a word but in your case i think thats what will happen. even though those may not be his intentions same as for most of us, its still the likely scenario.


If you like hanging with him, than do so but dont put too much into it because when he is over his ex, he may wanna be a free bird. dont be surprised that she doesnt pop in every now and then either. ask yourself this though. how often do people after a break up allow the ex to sleep on a couch or another room? it is possible they may have been intimate. you may have had a better thing with the guy at work but whats done is done. Just be careful.

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