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Asking someone out?

Dark Prince

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So, this might be one of the reasons why I've been unsuccessful at dating because I can't ever seem to get that right question out of me. I've always been so confused about how I should ask someone out and this might be way I've been led to a lot of rejections, possibly?


Anyone, is there really any one way to ask someone out?


There's this girl in one of my classes that I'm interested in and have been getting good signs that she's interested and I want to ask her out. But, I'm unsure how I should go about it. Should i just ask her flat out or maybe lead the conversation into it? For the latter, I think I'm terrible at doing that kind of thing, but sometimes I get lucky, I suppose.



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find an event and ask her if she would like to go with you. You can lead up to talking about things she likes. Then see if you can come up with an event that goes along with the things she likes to do.


Doesn't hurt to tell her she is funny, pretty or cute something like that too

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do you know what she likes to do? does she like to go out to the bars, activities, etc?


I always try to ask a girl out based on what she likes to do. I find that majority of women that i know love sushi, snowboarding or riding (motorcycles, ATV's etc.) so i invite or initiate one or all of those for a fun filled day.


I usually try to have a conversation with someone before i ask them out cold turkey. Make her feel comfortable first. find out what she likes to do. then strike your prey!

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I've always thought the best way was talk and listen for the "I've always wanted to try that!" in the conversation... that just opens the door right there; you say "Oh really? Me too, how about we do that sometime?" Make sure to follow up and not leave it at "sometime".

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Just asking someone flat out can work from time to time, but in my opinion, you need to build attraction first. I am not talking about over time. I mean build attraction and make plans to go out all in the same conversation. If she is interersted in you, as you say, then you may have already waited too long. Next time you have class with her you have to do it. The longer you wait the more you will make excuses and talk yourself out of it.


Strike up a conversation with her. Get her laughing. Then make your move. Tell her that you and her are going out this weekend, don't ask. Give her your cell phone and tell her to put her number in your phone. Don't ask for it. Women like alpha males. This will only work if she is attracted though. If she is not attracted and you try this, you will come accross as a jerk.

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best advice i can give is to go into it expecting her to say yes. Read books on sales. Dont ask if she'd like to go out. Say, what time should i pick you up, or xxx is a great place to eat, we should go there sometime.


Go into it acting like you are just asking a buddy to join you for dinner. No big deal.

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