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A little inspirational thought if you were hurt by an ex.

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I was reading this book the other night (The Secret History of the Pink Carnation, by Lauren Willig.) Anyway a passage in it really struck me and I was like wow: that is so true. And I thought it might help somebody feel a little better, at least for a second.


" Now, what was he still doing in my head? Out, out damned ex! .... It wasn't as though I was pining for Grant, I groused to myself as I stomped back over to the bed. Things had gone sour long before the advent of Alicia, the art historian (the other woman.) For those last few months we'd stayed together as much out of convienence as anything else, just because it would be too much trouble to find someone else to fill up those empty Friday nights.

I plopped down onto the flowered coverlet and reached for the plastic-wrapped package. Unfortunately, I knew exactly what I was suffering from. LIPID. (Last Idiot Person I Dated) syndrome: a largely undiagnosed but pervasive disease that afflicts single women.

My roomates and I had come up with the term in college to explain the baffling phenomenon of nostalgia for one's most recent ex. No matter how absolutely awful that person had been at the time, after a few weeks, the realationship would take on a rosy tint, and wistful little phrases would begin to creep into conversation, like, "I know he cheated on me with three people at the same time, but he was such a fabulous dancer." or "Alright, so he was a raging alcoholic, but when he was sober he did such sweet things! Remember those flowers he bought for me that one time?" Inexplicable, but inevitable. A few weeks of singledom render even the most inexcusable ex charming in retrospect."


Honestly, isn't this the truth? Even I seem to make all these excuses for my ex. Mine are: "He didn't mean to call me names and throw things at the wall, he was depressed." "That wasn't him, he was just having a bad time, he's really sweet inside."

We need to stop making excuses for people who made us miserable, and maybe still are. I know I need to.

Hope this helped someone.

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