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Poem for class


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I have a literary response portfolio due on thurs., on 2 authors/poets

and I'm picking T.S Eliot as one as I thoroughly enjoy his work so I wrote this piece for it!

Any constructive criticisms would be so so appreciated!!! As I want it to be really good!



"I Don't Want to Grow Old"



I don't want to grow old

for fear of being alone

for fear of trousers rolled.


So lets go then you and I

we can race against time

and we will survive.


I have measured out my life in smaller spoons

heard that music from a distant room

I don't want to wiggle on a wall

until I fall.


I have seen my love in gown

and felt her touch upon my brow

But, true love is when time goes

thus time ignores my woes.

I don't want to grow old


I didn't mean to deny the age

like Simon, thus called peter

denied three times in one day

I am innocent I say, only man.


So, I squeezed our universe in a ball

conformed it until it was small

and held it tight so it wouldn't fall

feeling so tall, holding that ball


And you began to question me

and wondering oh so lovingly

where it was that I might go

what shall become, when we grow old


It's impossible to say just what I mean!

I can't describe my age to thee!

I am not comfortable with such things

please let us lay, put my nerves to ease


So you began to walk away,

what was dark, was light today

you fade away, or were you a shadow.

A dream so many years


So I begin to walk the beach, Do I dare eat a peach?

mermaids gawking at the scene

I don't feel comfortable with these things


And shall I wear my trousers rolled,

is this a step in growing old?

I have to learn to face these days,

times not nice, I'll fade away


So, I watch the waves, begin to think

life goes by in a blink.

I blink my eyes and walk away

I think I should just live today.

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