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After All This Time - Song


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Please note, i know its not exactly great. I dunno. I seem to fail miserably at writing anything at the moment. Perhaps my mind is too confused to get anything out that makes the slightest bit of sense. Who knows? But i thought i would post this anyway. Its my lame attempt at a song. Feel free to critize.


And sometimes I wonder,

Whether or not you mean what you say,

And sometimes I wonder,

Would the world just be better,

If I could slowly fade away?

And sometime I ponder,

Upon those broken shards of glass,

They reflect this heart of mine,

They reflect this heart of mine.


After all this time,

I still want to call you mine,

After all this time,

It still hurts knowing its her heart you make shine,

After all this time,

I wonder can I fade away?

But could I ever stay away?


I just wanna know,

Did you chose to hurt me so?

I just wanna know,

Why the hell did I let you go?


And after all this time,

I still want to call you mine,

After all this time,

It still hurts knowing its her heart you make shine,

After all this time,

I wonder can I fade away?

But could I ever stay away?


And after all this time,

I still want to call you mine,

After all this time,

It still hurts knowing its her heart you make shine,

After all this time,

I wonder can I fade away?

But could I ever stay away?


Yeah, Could I ever stay away?

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Writing is something i cling too in bad times, when i get a writing block i feel so alone. Almost as if a friend has gone. Silly but true.


Oh, I know where your coming from, when that happens to me I want nothing less to rip my hair out lol. Writing is a good friend, it never argues with you, its like a like a silent listener as you vent on paper. Very good analogy btw. too me it isnt silly at all. =)

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