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This is about the most memorable hug I've had as of late =/


I feel your arms wrap around my neck

the feelings start to swarm

my defenses begin to drop

and tears begin to form


I cant understand why I'm doing what I do

but I need to do this, this hug is reason to

We didn't talk, not one word or I'd cry

your embrace around my face

couldnt find the words to expressed how I've tried


My emotions swarmed

anger, sadness, happiness of times flew by

but nothing can become of this

it eventually must die


I feel the anger intensify

as your hands rub my neck

I dont want to love you

I dont want things to change


I feel the sadness overwhelm

its too late to do anything else

but call it quits, to walk on home


4 months of getting your love

or attempting too

4 months of your turning me down

why did you refuse?


You'd tell me that your weren't ready for me

should of met your 2 yrs ago, then with me you would be

But it isn't my fault that your so afraid

you knew I'd never hurt you

and now you push away


Your hands begin to wander back around

to your frame

and I begin to think about love

and memories


Unrequited love that couldnt be love

Summer is dying, Autumn becomes

the time of the memory

to remember the days

where I was happy

where I could say


You were the one

that I wanted so long

I still desire to be in your arms

I still want to be the man of your world

but our bridges are burning and I cant return.

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