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Boyfriends Ex, Don't know what to do.


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So I'll try to keep this simple. Been dating a guy for about 2 months. Things going really well and have just met each others families.


So when we met he mentioned that his last relationship ended about a year ago and that it was amicable and that they've remained friends, just fell out of love and were engaged and chose to do the right thing before it was too late.


So as the few months have gone on this story has slightly changed, well I took a year out to get over it, to she broke up with me, then to the last time I cried was when we split up.


Which is cool, you know we all don't poor our heart and souls out when we first meet someone. The thing is he did mention early on that they still have contact and meet up every now and again. Which personally I don't get, but hey that’s me I guess.


So her name came up again last night and I asked him when was the last time he saw her and he said about 3 weeks ago. So I kept my cool, as you know been dating for 2 months and this was the first I had heard about this.


I got told but I have not lied to you and you know we are still really good friends. But I'm pissed this was omitted from his discussions with me about what he's been up to, you know general chit chat. I do shift work so there are 3 days we don't see each other so I ring when I'm at work to keep the contact as such.


I'm a little confused as to why was this not mentioned before, I mean he knows I don't like it and I made it clear I don't, some people can cope some can't. I'm the latter.


I get that may be a reason for not saying but by not saying I feel he was hiding it!! I can understand how it can come accross that really he can't win. I just have been thinking all day about this. I will never ask him to choose he should make his own decision about whether he wants to move on with me or keep seeing his ex (I mean they meet up not just bump into each other).


I'm seriously considering walking away before I fall in love with him and let this issue consume me and I don't want to be the evil new girlfriend who stopped him having contact with her as she is friends with his brothers girlfriend.


I'm thinking maybe its all a little too intertwined for me as my personality to deal with no matter how much I like him. If he really can't get what he gets from her from me, why am I bothering.



Any suggestions??


Thanks for reading


CE102 x

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