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Will He Call?


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Hmmm, maybe he's been busy, or got extremely shy and nervous all of a sudden. I'd just wait some days more..

Maybe something during the conversation turned him off, I would think if he was ok enough to ask for my number,then he is probably not shy.

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Analbumcover- its just a double-standard...nothing you or me can do to change a double standard


thouse- I sometimes ask for girls numbers and don't call. Getting the number is the polite thing to do, like it or not what a guy does with a number is ultimately his choice

What's puzzling is what's the point of starting a conversation and getting someone's number if you're not going to call, I didn't ask for him to talk to me or his politeness.

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I met a guy Friday while I was shopping, and he asked for my number. I gave it to him,but he hasn't called yet. Do guys normally take this long to call? Or why would you waste your time getting someone's number if you had no intention of calling?


Hey, how did he approach you? What a brave thing to do. Can you relay the conversation as I often see and make extended eye contact with cute girls but am too afraid to approach them



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Hey, how did he approach you? What a brave thing to do. Can you relay the conversation as I often see and make extended eye contact with cute girls but am too afraid to approach them



He walked by me one time and I saw him looking at me, but I just kept on shopping. Then he came back around and said how pretty I was and that he just had to tell me that, then he asked me for my number so I gave it to him.

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