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Honestly, does anything ever get better?


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It's not just about my ex anymore, even though that's why I joined this community. I still have nightmares about him, even though I say it's better. I've been sad since 7th grade, been on prosac, cymbalta, klonopin, and other things I don't even remember the names of. I'm still on klonopin for my major anxiety problems. Except for the few months I was blissfully in love and things were perfect, I don't remember a time I've been truly happy. I know when I was a kid I was, but even then I had problems. And I know people only want to help ](*,) but I am SO SICK of people telling me about everything 'it will get better' 'things will get better' 'things will be better with time' about everything. I'm young, I'm on track, alone but still, I should be happy. Does it really honestly get better? Is there anyone here who has been depressed for this long? How do you deal with it?

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Things get better but because you MAKE them better.

You can go to see a psychologist or a life coach . But what you really need to do is Take up the cause of you. What does make you happy? I don't know, only you do.

I was depressed for a long time. Lots of things need to happen. Do you eat well, sleep well, exercise enough? Are you in school or pursuing a career you love? Do you feel like at your core you are a good person? Is there someone you can talk to about depression , who believes you can recover? Start becoming ambitious about your happiness. Don't wait until the world is perfect to be happy. Go make yourself become happy. It is in your power to have any kind of life you want. But it is you that will make it happen.

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My trick was to start thinking things are better. Life is what it is, and I could not stand fooling myself that things are going to change because I ohh so desperately wanted them to. I would think, "Please someone else do my job to get me better for me." Nope, turns out life doesn't work like that.


So I started at the basics. I need to eat, sleep, and work (school for me). First I got those things down. I eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner on habit alone. I sleep 6 to 8 hours a day. And I don't miss a class for any reason other than there was no other choice. Then I took a second look at my life and what I was missing, and what you need is personal to yourself.


I tried drugs, psychologists, and medicine which were no help after all. Thankfully, I had some leeway to take things at my own pace to keep myself from falling in the abyss.


I hope my story can help a bit, and remember to think!!!

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