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I know it's for young teens/tweens but how many of you have also gotten sucked into the craze? I worked at a book store when it first came out and people were going nuts over it, so I rejected it on principle. Eventually I picked it up to read during a flight and... OMG! Fell in love. I've converted all my friends too. Haha.


Anyone else?!

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Can't stand it. I read her other novel, The Host and really enjoyed it so when my cousin had mentioned everyone in her family read and loved the series [not to mention millions of other people] I had to see if it was true.


I cannot stand them. The frist one I was happy it was over, and I went onto the second because I just had to know what she could possibly write about after the first one. I'm onto the third and haven't picked it up in weeks, I can't take anymore..it actually drives me nuts.

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Can't stand it. I read her other novel, The Host and really enjoyed it so when my cousin had mentioned everyone in her family read and loved the series [not to mention millions of other people] I had to see if it was true.


I cannot stand them. The frist one I was happy it was over, and I went onto the second because I just had to know what she could possibly write about after the first one. I'm onto the third and haven't picked it up in weeks, I can't take anymore..it actually drives me nuts.

really? ive never heard anybody say that before. i have the host but i haven't read it yet. the fourth book (breaking dawn) is the best one imo.

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Oh trust me, I get dirty looks and plenty of rude comments when I diss these books. But I am not seeing the hype.

haha! well you def dont deserve the rude comments for stating your opinion.

i can see how the second one could get a little boring-- it did for me too (i wasnt a jacob fan), but my curiosity overpowered my boredom and the third and fourth were a lot better! love the fourth

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haha! well you def dont deserve the rude comments for stating your opinion.

i can see how the second one could get a little boring-- it did for me too (i wasnt a jacob fan), but my curiosity overpowered my boredom and the third and fourth were a lot better! love the fourth


Its more or less curiosity that has brought me this far. But the third I am not enjoying and my cousin just said the 4th is different. Its just a matter of getting through the third to even attempt the fourth!

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Its more or less curiosity that has brought me this far. But the third I am not enjoying and my cousin just said the 4th is different. Its just a matter of getting through the third to even attempt the fourth!

the end of the third gets very exciting.. and you're cousin is right... while reading the fourth, i didn't even feel like i was reading a twilight book. it was very different.

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I know it's for young teens/tweens but how many of you have also gotten sucked into the craze? I worked at a book store when it first came out and people were going nuts over it, so I rejected it on principle. Eventually I picked it up to read during a flight and... OMG! Fell in love. I've converted all my friends too. Haha.


Anyone else?!


I rejected it for the same reason too. Everyone's been telling me how great it is but I just can't pick it up because it's so damn popular that it annoys me.

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I've also rejected it because it was soooo popular at school. I don't think that's a good way to judge things..haha.. Sorry..but I'm also not into that whole love story thing.

My friend has been trying to get me to read it. Maybe someday I will. But not now. I still have to finish my batman comics *geek*

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  • 3 weeks later...

I enjoyed the series. I've read part of 'The Host' but put it down for another book at present. I did like the Twilight series though, found them easy to read and entertaining.


(and I'm a bit older than the typical crowd for those books!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

i totally fell in love with edward... man i wish there was a guy like that out there in real life... hes just sooo understanding .... *sigh* fantasy is just sooooo much better then real life... haha im so excited for the movie to come out... next friday... yay... i read all 4 books in 6 days... i just couldnt put it down... lol im think about reading it again just for fun... lol

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i totally fell in love with edward... man i wish there was a guy like that out there in real life... hes just sooo understanding .... *sigh* fantasy is just sooooo much better then real life... haha im so excited for the movie to come out... next friday... yay... i read all 4 books in 6 days... i just couldnt put it down... lol im think about reading it again just for fun... lol


There are guys like that.


I think that was my problem, I found nothing 'special' about it all.

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I've read the majority of vampire books out there. Twilight was the WORST piece of crap I've ever read. I gave it a 1star review on Amazon, I went out of my way to do that because I hated it so much. Here's an author thats a perfect example of how you can make loads of money with no talent at all! I'm gonna leave it at that for now because I'll rip the entire series to shreds if I continue....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow. I'm really surprised that I love Twilight after seeing the comments. I actually read it before the craze, a long time ago. I think it's a great, great love story. More than that, it pulls you in because it's something more magical than we ever get. Real life is just work, sweat, blood, death. Love is real but it gets tainted by all the crap and stress of every day life. It's such a great fantasy, to picture getting to fly through the trees, the excitment of beng in love with a vampire? It's crazy.


The movie, it was better than most book to picture movies. But I still would prefer the book. The words hit me a lot stronger.


But, everyone's entitled to their opinion.

And that's just mine.

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i loved the book, but i really didn't like the movie too much. (thats not going to stop me from buying it when it comes out on dvd though.)


i personally thought the actors were terrible even though everyone is going ape-poo over them. i also thought whoever was in charge with filming focused way too much on trying to be artsy. the music was eh. the overall story kept to the plot very well so that i was very happy with that.


but i honestly could only give it a 2 out of 5 stars.

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I just finished the book last night. I read it in 7 hours.

It's not really my type of story, but man.... Edward makes my blood boil

But I can't stand the girl!! I found myself cringing at the things she said. Like, "Don't leave me! You're my life!". echhhh

Seriously it would've been nice if she had more personality.

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It was good. Well, I finished it in one day because of Edward. I have a major crush on him. hahahah

But I'm reading the second book now and he's just pissing me off. Seriously, he just needs to make up his damn mind. It's all this drama about being together, and then wanting to break up, and then being together! hahahah


the other book was good too. i finished it on sunday. heheh

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It was good. Well, I finished it in one day because of Edward. I have a major crush on him. hahahah

But I'm reading the second book now and he's just pissing me off. Seriously, he just needs to make up his damn mind. It's all this drama about being together, and then wanting to break up, and then being together! hahahah


the other book was good too. i finished it on sunday. heheh

hahah wow i just reread what you said before... i thought you were calling edward a "she" because of the way he talks to bella.


the second book is my least favorite. i found it a little tough to get through. curiosity prevailed, though.

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I just finished the second one..

I didn't like it as much either because edward wasn't in it. hahahahah

and then when he was finally in it, he just wasn't as cool as in the first book.

all her moping around annoyed me too

seriously, edward and bella are both needy and codependent. It's kind of annoying. hahahah

But it was ok, because I do have a thing for werewolves.

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I just finished the second one..

I didn't like it as much either because edward wasn't in it. hahahahah

and then when he was finally in it, he just wasn't as cool as in the first book.

all her moping around annoyed me too

seriously, edward and bella are both needy and codependent. It's kind of annoying. hahahah

But it was ok, because I do have a thing for werewolves.

daaaaaamn girl you are a speed-reader!! haha

so you're on team jacob, huh?


the fourth is definitely my favorite even though some people had huge problems with it. i loved it

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daaaaaamn girl you are a speed-reader!! haha

so you're on team jacob, huh?


the fourth is definitely my favorite even though some people had huge problems with it. i loved it


hahahah. Honestly, I like edward better than jacob, but I'd like edward even more if he was a werewolf. Jacob kind of annoyed me at the end.


Basically I just want to to eat those vampires for lunch. They were so yummy!


hahaha. I really like edward (even though he annoys me sometimes). After finishing a book, I always feel a bit down because I'm really attached to his character. heheh


When I finish this series, I'm going to have to find another book with great characters to fill in the void.

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i know!

when you are finished, stephenie meyer has the first 12 chapters of Midnight Sun on her website (she was going to rewrite Twilight from the perspective of Edward, but after 12 chapters were done somebody leaked it and she stopped writing

did you guys see the movie, yet?

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