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The heart that has truly loved never forgets. . .


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The heart that has truly loved never forgets. . .


I remember that you came to all of my basketball games,

You would cheer me on and tell me I played well even when I didn’t

Afterwards you would buy me a chupa chup to let me know you loved me.

I remember at school when we would have to sit on separate tables,

you would sit and stare at me from accross the room, nothing would distract you.

I would stare back into your beautiful blue eyes and we would be lost in a world together

I remember the smile you gave me, that day when we were looking at the maps in class,

that told me I was in love with you.

I remember the poetry you wrote for me. You were an amazing writer. No 11 year old should be able to write that well.

I remember the feelings those words would give me, and how my friends got jealous every time you gave me one. When I read them now I am still swept off my feet.

I remember the look on your face when you found out that Jack had asked me out for you. You were sitting on the edge of the bed, you looked terrified and then you asked and I could hardly stop smiling to tell you yes!

I remember the gifts you would get me for no particular reason. The rings, the butterfly bracelet, the sweets.

I remember that you would find somewhere private to tell me at the end of every phone call that you loved me.

I remember how you could remember the first song we danced to. I can remember dancing but I couldn’t remember the name of the song but guess what! Now I do. It was ‘it’s not easy’ by Five for Fighting.

I remember our first date, to see bend it like beckham. I can even remember what I wore! I can also remember that the movie guy commented on how polite you were.

I remember in school how our table won the etiquette competition because you knew how to hold the knife and fork properly.

I remember how much it hurt me to break your heart.

I remember how it hurt you more.

I remember how scared I was that we wouldn’t be friends. You were and still are the best person I have ever known.

I remember how much it hurt to see you go. I was so scared you would forget me, replace me. I wondered if i would ever talk to you again. why did you have to move to Canada?? Your parents promised me you wouldn’t move again. This time it wasn’t just interstate but the other side of the world!!!

I remember the excitement built up over 6 year of separation that i could not contain the night before my flight.

I remember the fear and utter apprehension i felt clashing with the excitement inside me on the flight. I was so scared i could not sleep. 18 hour flight and i couldn’t not sleep to save myself! I was terrorfied.

I remember the moment i saw you again, coming down the stairs as i walked in the door. It was as if i was whole again. Just the sight of you made me whole.

I remember that moment, the best moment of my life when you told me you wanted to grow old with me.

I remember feeling your smile when i told you i still loved you.

I remember rocking out to the new coldplay album in big red on our road trips.

I remember slow dancing with at your graduation to lifehouses ‘you and me’. It was your favourite moment. Theres nothing i wouldn’t give to live that again with you.

I remember talking with you about the past, the present, our future. All the things we could be.

I remember dancing with you at gringos, lol, it was hot.

I remember how even though i got sick and snotty and gross you still wanted to kiss me.

I remember how you would hold my hand while we drove.

I remember that in the softest most heartfelt moment of a completely un romantic action movie you still squeezed my hand to let me know you were thinking of me.

I remember the absolute bliss of falling asleep, lying in your arms.

I remember the house we picked out and jokingly decided we’d live there one day on whitefish lake.

I remember the look on your face when you leaned in to kiss me.

I remember making love to you every single day, to show you i am devoted to you but 17 days isn’t nearly enough.

I remember your smell, it makes me feel warm.

I remember the dread of having to go home, to leave you again, not knowing when i will see you again.

I remember the look in your eyes as i went through the airport gate.

I remember the tenderness of our last hug, our last kiss, our last touch. how neither of us wanted to let go.

I remember how I couldn’t bear to look at you again when I was on the other side of the gate.

I remember crying as i sat in the chair waiting for my flight home, grateful for everything that had happened but not knowing when i would see you again.

I remember the moment the horrible sinking feeling came upon me, the terror of losing you to something beyond our control.

I remember how the guy at starbucks gave me a large hot chocolate when i asked for a small because he could see i was crying.

I remember that you felt like a dream, but as hard as it is to believe you and everything that happened was real. But now...now I’m here and you’re there and I never thought it would hurt this much. I can’t wait to be with you again, my heart aches from trying to make you appear.

I pray that we will be together soon to make thousands of new memories.

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wow... i really liked this poem, its absolutely beautiful, it gave me chills. You captivated the things that matter the most, how love can also be such a powerful and wonderful feeling, but at the same time can be devestating and sad


it gave you chills??? wow, thankyou. true story btw.

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That was beautiful! I've been hoping to read another of your poems, Hodgo, that's sensational...captivates all your emotions so well! Feels like it encompasses a whole lot of thoughts and memories all into one, I dare say one could write a book on that! I truly found inspiration in your words

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