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Walking vs. Running


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I am a heavier person and have started walking briskly and then jogging until I feel I can't take it anymore. I have heard that doing the combination of the two walking/jogging(running) burns more calories. Because your heart pumps slower...faster...slower....faster, which increases the calorie burn.

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I am a heavier person and have started walking briskly and then jogging until I feel I can't take it anymore. I have heard that doing the combination of the two walking/jogging(running) burns more calories. Because your heart pumps slower...faster...slower....faster, which increases the calorie burn.


i do this on the stair master. slow, faster, back to slow, etc.

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I am a heavier person and have started walking briskly and then jogging until I feel I can't take it anymore. I have heard that doing the combination of the two walking/jogging(running) burns more calories. Because your heart pumps slower...faster...slower....faster, which increases the calorie burn.


Yes, that's what I do - run 2 minutes, walk 2 minutes and then sprint for a minute. I heard that's best.

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For me...it's walking.


Because if/when I try to put "running" into my regular exercise routine, it bombs out in sporatic fits and starts of enthusiasm. lol.


Whatever you can ACTUALLY do consistently.


I love love love walking....and once I got into better and better shape...running starts to come naturally through out some of my walks. And hills, and challenging trails, and ....


It really depends what you are out to achieve.

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They're both REALLY good for you! I go on lots of long walks when it's nice out and I'm just wanting to be alone with my thoughts and relax, and then I also am on my school's track team so I run a lot. The high you'll get from running is a lot better than walking, but if you're out of shape right now and try to go out for a hard run, you may get discouraged. I'd say that it's best to start off walking and then introduce running slowly...but you will see health benefits (both physically and mentally) from both activities!

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I think it really depends on what your goal is. To train endurance, sure, running is better. But don't forget that with its high intensity comes a higher risk of injuries (joints/muscles). Especially the knees and the ankles do a heavy job when running. If your goal is to loose weight, running is faster, but if you are seriously overweight, every pound extra is also extra on what you put on your joints. I think anyone with health issues (ranging from being overweight to having back pains) should consult a doctor before starting to run regularly. And for all who begin running: start slowly and build up gradually.

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