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If chick does not respond to text message witin 24 hours, A) chick is not interested and B) I might


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No it's not! I love Verizon!





And to the OP, if I didn't answer at all... it'd be because I was not interested.


i've never had a problem with them.


well, ive had verizon, tmobile, and att and so far, verizon is the worst. undelivered text messages, not recieving text messages, phone calls not going through, texts coming the next day, list goes on. now i have att and have none of those problems. plus my friends who have verizon now complain of the same thing, between each other. att ftw

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If she is new to North America, you can add this to your letter:


"Btw, here in the US, we consider it proper etiquette to return someone's text messages. Be frank and straightforward. If you don't like me, then tell me so directly. I won't be offended.


But of course, I think you are an interesting girl. I think we can be great friends. It is worthwhile to take fifteen minutes out of your day to meet your neighbours."

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If she is new to North America, you can add this to your letter:


"Btw, here in the US, we consider it proper etiquette to return someone's text messages. Be frank and straightforward. If you don't like me, then tell me so directly. I won't be offended.


But of course, I think you are an interesting girl. I think we can be great friends. It is worthwhile to take fifteen minutes out of your day to meet your neighbours."


Wow, you'd never hear from me again if you said that.

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Why not? Your stuff don't stink? You don't like being called to the mat for being rude?


The way you said it was rather rude.


I usually don't have my phone on me because it's rude to have it go off when I'm in class or at the library. Which is where I spend most of my day. If a guy snottily said "it's considered rude to not call me back" like that, I'd say "well, I was going to call you back when I got home from class. Oh well..."


A good rule of thumb when dating someone is to not correct their etiquette. I'd get pretty TO'd if a guy got on my case for not using the right fork.


It's improper etiquette to critisize someone you barely know when you don't even know the whole story.

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