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Your opinion on NC?

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I broke up w/ someone I'd been seeing for 3 months. We started hanging out a week after the break up again. Last time I hung out with him he picked me up and we went out for a beer, but I told him I needed to be home early. He bought another pitcher as I was getting ready to say I wanted to leave, and when I asked him if he really needed to drink that or if we could go, he said "well I wouldn't have bought it if I didn't want it." It was a 25 cent pitcher of beer! I had to call my dad to pick me up.


I stopped talking to him after that, and then started getting really pissed that he didn't bother to contact me to apologize or anything. Then he contacts me 2 weeks later to tell me he found my sunglasses. At first I felt relieved, but now that he has contacted me a few times I'm feeling angry & sad again. He wrote me on facebook about getting my glasses, and when I wrote him back I saw that he'd been flirting on his "wall" with some girl. I've been pissed at that for a couple days now.


I don't even know if it's worth it to get my sunglasses or cd back from him. I'm worried its going to upset me. I don't even know what to say if I see him again. He still never apologized for what happened the last time we hung out and it doesn't seem like he really cares about me or my feelings because he acts like it never happened and is already talking to other girls. Should I just avoid this situation? Or maybe wait some time, til I have gotten over him, before I get my stuff?

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i would have either a, sculled his beer or b, tipped the beer all over his pants!


but yes, like you said, seeing him to get your things off him probably will make you sad. you have to think about that for awhile before you do it.

will you be getting the cds and sunglasses off him to see him, or to get the things off him? and will you be sad if he doesn't apologise? or if he acts cold/rude?

work that out, and then decide?

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