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some one give me some insight please


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so heres the deal i'm should be done paying our debts off by the middle of next month some time(please read the other post i have with the whole story). heres the problem a few weeks ago right around the 4th of this month she was talking to her friend who she they had something together with in the past and he invited her to come to his house for the weekend (i found this out through a friend). but where he lives at is where she went to school at with all of her old friends. so that weekend pasted and it killed me not knowing what was going on if they were hanging out just friends catching up since its been some years or if he was just trying to have her again. so she got back on a sunday and her myspace said she had one great weekend and she can't wait to do it again and her expression face was grateful. so of course i flipped out but i didn't make any attempts to contact her i just vented to friends. so recently she changed her profile pic from just being her to a new one with her him and some other friends. so i felt kinda better thinking she may have just went to hangout with friends. the other day her myspace page said that she "has way to many things on her head" and her expression says shes confused,so i checked her page last night and she changed it back to her pic and it said that "some people are really immature" and her expression was her being irritated.

Can some one tell me what this means or am i freaking out for no reason? the main problem i'm having is that i want to know where we stand and i know i can't contact her until i pay the debt off. what do i do? as of today its 3 weeks

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im blocked from her myspace so its not like i'm able to go on her page. and i haven't contacted her and made any attempts


Did I miss something, how are you checking out her MySpace page if you're blocked? And shouldn't the fact that you're blocked from her page tell you all you really need to know?

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Did I miss something, how are you checking out her MySpace page if you're blocked? And shouldn't the fact that you're blocked from her page tell you all you really need to know?


Even when you're blocked from someone's myspace, you can still read their status updates, which is where I'm assuming the OP read the message. Still means the OP is checking though, hehe.

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Even when you're blocked from someone's myspace, you can still read their status updates, which is where I'm assuming the OP read the message. Still means the OP is checking though, hehe.

Ah, okay, thanks.

thank you puo! exactly what he said i'm able to read the status updates but not view the page. it sucks badly not knowing whats going on. anybody have any ideas to what you think may have happened?

What difference does it make? Seriously. You're not doing yourself any good by fretting about this. We don't know, you don't know. The best we can do is guess, but then where does that lead us? With a bunch of guesses that ultimately will offer you no comfort and answer none of your questions.


Stop bothering with your ex's MySpace page. It's obviously causing you more harm than good. Checking her MySpace page will only end up hurting your chances of reconciliation (I'm guessing that's what you want), because it's going to stunt your healing and turn you into a nervous wreck in the event that you talk with her.


In the five months since my breakup, I have checked my ex's MySpace exactly zero times and I'm hardly the poster child for self control. If I can do it, I'm quite sure you're more than capable.

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thanks man...


No problem. I know these things are easier said than done, but you'll be much better off if you try not to concern yourself with what your ex is doing. The only thing you need to care about as far as your ex goes is whether or not she is interested in reconciliation. Otherwise, you need to keep doing your thing, keep healing and keep getting back to who you were.


When people play "ex detective", they end up filling in the blanks with their own ideas of what's going on. And most of the time, there are a whole lot of blanks. So, what you think is going on is usually quite far removed from the reality of the situation.


Even if you did know exactly what your ex was up to, it wouldn't help anything. All it would do would cause you to keep asking more questions and more questions and more questions...you've got to put a stop to this wondering at some point and now is a great time.

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