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Can he do this...?


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I do not think that I have abanded the family home as I return each day, I am just not sleeping there. I stated from the start that I would return each day, which he did not seem to have a problem with! I do not think that he believed it was going to happen. I have a solicitor through the citizens advice, and have just started on the divorce road, he should receive notification this week, although I have forewarned him of this in a letter. I think he wants to remain in the house so he will have to sort out how to buy me out. I know this is going to be a long process

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Don't start that juvenile business of changing locks all the time. Did you know that if he doesn't agree with you staying there with the kids, the house can be ordered sold? Usually in cases like this, this is what happens. If both your names are on the deed, any profit is split between you after attorneys are paid.

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I know here in Texas, if the woman leaves, the law considers it her abandoning the family, thereforee she has no right to go back unless she has permission from the husband. BUT he has to prove you abandoned the family. So you are staying elsewhere. It could be for a few nights. The law doesn't know. Also, here the poilce don't like to get involved in those "domestic" squabbles unless someone is hurt or getting hurt.


Breaking a wondow is one way. But it may be cheaper to have a locksmith go out and make you a new set of keys than it would be to replace the window. But definitely you need a lawyer to get the ball rolling and prevent him from interjecting any other barracades for you. With yur attorney involved, your husband will have no legal ground to change locks or keep you out. If he does, your attorney can file against him.

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