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Good First Date...What now??


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Last night I had a pretty good first date with this girl I had met online and been emailing for a while first. We took a walk around a park for a bit, then grabbed a drink and a bite, then walked back to the park after dark and talked by the pond there, ended up making out a little bit before heading our own ways. There was good conversation throughout the evening, and after kissing goodnight a final time I said "This was fun" and she responded "yea, it was." Then I said "we should hang out again soon" and she gave no response.....don't know what to think of this. All other signs seemed good, but she didnt respond to that.


I do want to call her again, was thinking I would call her tomorrow, or maybe text her first saying "I had fun last night. Hope your interview went well!" (she had a job interview today). Any advice on how/when to take it?


We had a lot in common and I do want to see her again.

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There was good conversation throughout the evening, and after kissing goodnight a final time I said "This was fun" and she responded "yea, it was." Then I said "we should hang out again soon" and she gave no response.....don't know what to think of this. All other signs seemed good, but she didnt respond to that.


You may be over analyzing. Perhaps she didn't know what to think when you said "sometime" rather than a specific time? "Sometime" is abstract and could mean anything. "Thursday" is something concrete and worth responding to.


I do want to call her again, was thinking I would call her tomorrow, or maybe text her first saying "I had fun last night. Hope your interview went well!" (she had a job interview today). Any advice on how/when to take it?


We had a lot in common and I do want to see her again.


No, do NOT text her telling her you had a good time last night. You ALREADY told her that and doing so again seems too much like you are trying to reassure yourself... which you are.


Call her tomorrow and see if she'd like to meet up for Sunday afternoon sometime and have a specific date and plan already in mind. Also, have a back up plan and time as well in case she is busy.

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He already told her he had a good time. Doing it again seems a bit much don't you think? Unless she was blown away by the date and is desperately hoping to see him again, I see her looking at that text and saying, "Wow this guy is really into me. He's told me twice how much fun he had on our date in less than 24 hours".

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So I did text her saying that and she responded about 20 minutes later saying "Me too." and then going on to give a bit of info about her interview. I take this quick text response as a good sign.....She didn't say "call me" or anything but I still plan on it obviously although I want to do something outdoors this weekend and its looking like rain....


I take it this is a good sign though and I should call soon?

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Just call the next time you think it's appropriate. You probably should have listened to dating coach though. He's pretty on top of things as far as I can tell. Texting her probably wasn't the smoothest thing you could have done but it wasn't catasrophic or anything. Just call her next time you feel comfortable and ask her out on a specific day for a specific thing. (Ex: Would you like to come get dinner with me at Red Robbin this monday?) then if she says yes, suggest a time. aka "how's 8 sound?"

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So I did text her saying that and she responded about 20 minutes later saying "Me too." and then going on to give a bit of info about her interview. I take this quick text response as a good sign.....She didn't say "call me" or anything but I still plan on it obviously although I want to do something outdoors this weekend and its looking like rain....


I take it this is a good sign though and I should call soon?


hit her up this afternoon and see what she is doing tomorrow or sunday. if it's raining go watch some football somewhere.

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Ugh...so I did call her, left a message saying pretty much that "Let's get together and take a hike this weekend" and she responded late that night via text saying "Can I call you tomorrow? I was thinking of meeting up [at this place nearby for a hike] actually." So she didn't call me the next day at all, so I texted her back saying "Let's be in touch tomorrow to find some time that works." She responded, again, with "This weekend is kinda busy for me. It might have to wait until next week. I definitly want to hang out soon though!."


And then I haven't heard from her, she hasn't called back even after asking "can I call you tomorrow?" and saying "I definitly want to hang out soon!"


I want to call her to try to find sometime soon, but if she kept saying she would call me and wants to hang out, but then doesnt get in tocuh, I dont know what this means....


Call her anyway I suppose?

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So what happened?


Sounds like you are showing too much interest with the texts and calls. I would have called her two days later after the first date, talk to her for a bit and hang up. Then call two days later, and ask her out. Leave her wanting more and waiting to see you again!

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