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Guys, how often do you...


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...have orgams, basically? I would break it down like this:


  1. On average, how often do you have orgasms? This is not necessarily sex with another person. ANY orgasm counts.
  2. How long can you go without an orgasm before you feel "backed up" or antsy/achey? Or is it only my body that does that?
  3. On average, how often do you have sex with a partner?
  4. In your own personal history, how long have you gone without sex from your partner before tensions were high?

EDIT: Oh! And IF you went a long time without sex from your partner, did you starve of sex or did you do anything during the down time (such as masturbate)?

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1. 1-4 times a day

2. Misunderstood. Usually after a day it gets to me. Im used to orgasming once a day at least though.

3. 2-3 times a week

4. a couple weeks.


Edit question: I always masturbate whether im getting sex or not. Nothing changes really. Still an overly horny person.

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I know this is a question for the guys... but I would be intriqued to hear the honest answers since....


On average, how often do you have orgasms? This is not necessarily sex with another person. ANY orgasm counts.


- Don't know how often my X had orgasms... but if he did.. they weren't with me.


How long can you go without an orgasm before you feel "backed up" or antsy/achey? Or is it only my body that does that?


- CSB, (critical sperm backup) at least thats how I've heard it described. I've heard that men feel "backed up"... and I wondered about that when I was married because my X could go without sex for... 30,60,90 and 180 without sex. And he seemed confortable with it. Said it was NORMAL.


On average, how often do you have sex with a partner?


- like I said.. he could go one, three, six, NINE months (the longest) without having sex.


In your own personal history, how long have you gone without sex from your partner before tensions were high?


- see above response. And from a womans point of view.. Tensions were high with-in 2 WEEKS.



EDIT: Oh! And IF you went a long time without sex from your partner, did you starve of sex or did you do anything during the down time (such as masturbate)?


Well... YES... gotta do something or I'd have self combust. It's a wonder that I was faithful and didn't step out during our 14 years of marriage. ](*,)

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...have orgams, basically? I would break it down like this:


  1. On average, how often do you have orgasms? This is not necessarily sex with another person. ANY orgasm counts.
  2. How long can you go without an orgasm before you feel "backed up" or antsy/achey? Or is it only my body that does that?
  3. On average, how often do you have sex with a partner?
  4. In your own personal history, how long have you gone without sex from your partner before tensions were high?

EDIT: Oh! And IF you went a long time without sex from your partner, did you starve of sex or did you do anything during the down time (such as masturbate)?


1. Um, at the moment if I'm with my girlfriend then 4-5 times a day. I don't usually bother if it is mid-week and I'm not with her.


2. It depends. Though usually 2-3 days.


3. It depends. Between 2-6 times a day.


4. Two weeks.


Ah, the last question...


It again depends. In my current, wonderful relationship it was as part of a challenge not to orgasm for 11 days...didn't stop sex, just had to not cum


In my previous relationship, it was starvation and I would sometimes masturbate (not often) and just generally get annoyed.

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[*]On average, how often do you have orgasms? This is not necessarily sex with another person. ANY orgasm counts.


I have an orgasm EVERY time lol. I would say about 6-10 times a week on average. (I masterbate about once a week)


[*]How long can you go without an orgasm before you feel "backed up" or antsy/achey? Or is it only my body that does that?


I never really feel backed up. I think that the only time that I might feel tension down there is if we are having sex and then we have to stop for some stupid reason like an unexpected guest, someone hears us in the public dressing room and threatens to call security or something else of that nature. (I guess that is the downfall to sex in public)



[*]On average, how often do you have sex with a partner? 6-10 times a week. Sometimes once a day or sometimes no sex for a week and then 5-10 times in a day. We just have sex in spurts


[*]In your own personal history, how long have you gone without sex from your partner before tensions were high?


about 2 weeks



EDIT: Oh! And IF you went a long time without sex from your partner, did you starve of sex or did you do anything during the down time (such as masturbate)?


I really don't look at it that way. We just enjoy having sex together and we usually want it at the same time. We are completely comfortable goinf a few days without it. We value our time together doing other things.

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I think I should clarify... When I asked how long can you go without an orgasm I didn't mean "while engaged in intercourse." I meant how many days are you comfortable foregoing any orgasms at all? For example, if you had zero orgasms -- not even a quick wank -- for a week, does your body feel different, tense? Or can you abstain for long times and feel fine?


EDIT: the clarification is general and not in response to a particular person. I'm just hoping to learn what the general population is like, so I can gauge how odd/normal my own behavior is.

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I never really feel backed up. I think that the only time that I might feel tension down there is if we are having sex and then we have to stop for some stupid reason

It sounds like you have a good relationship. I assume you don't feel backed up because you're taken care of. But if you're not taken care of, how long can you go before you feel the effects? Forever? Just fine without it?

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It sounds like you have a good relationship. I assume you don't feel backed up because you're taken care of. But if you're not taken care of, how long can you go before you feel the effects? Forever? Just fine without it?


I feel that I can go forever without sex. Now, do I want to go forever? HELL NO! lol.


I think that I have a lot more sex when I want it with my fiance because I don't act like I want it all the time if that makes any sense.


In the past, I would complain if one of my ex's would turn me down when I wanted sex and in turn, they would feel almost pressured to be intimate with me.


Now that I am a lot more laid back about it and I do not request it everyday, I find that I have a MUCH more healthy sex life. The days that my fiance and I do not have sex, there is at least one moment throughout the day where either her or I would tease the hell out of each other. neither of us complain when that "teasing" does not lead to sex because we know that it is only a matter of time before we get crazy in bed again.


I would say to everyone that it is important to enjoy the OTHER aspects of a relationship more then the physical act of having sex. This allows you to connect with your SO on a much deeper level. I have to admit, some of the hottest, sexiest and memorable times that I have shared with my fiance are on those days that we do not even have sex. I find the kissing, petting and intimate conversations to be far more erotic and intriguing

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If you had the choice to completely turn of your sexuality and urges, would you choose to do so? I mean i am perfectly happy without sex or masturbation in my life,not even for religious reasons either.


Yeah, I would. IMO, earthly desires and responsibilities (sex, family, etc.) inhibit progression of humanity as a whole. Sometimes I feel like we need a totally neuter person who is above such urges and desires to step up and lead. The only successful revolutionaries are the ones who put revolution and humanity above family and personal pleasure.

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