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Resume Writers


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I bought a program last year that didn't help much at all. Good start but... uggggh.


Also, when I was initially laid off from my job I was offered outplacement services. One of the services they offer is RESUME WRITING. However, they don't tell you that they do not write the resume for you. They only adivise. The services was helpful to a point... I discovered that resume writing had changed over the last decade.


I guess going to a professional couldn't hurt. My problem is... $$$. I don't have the cash to go to a professional resume writer or a career coach. If I did... I'd be there in a nano second. Considering the economy and how few/far between jobs are.... every little bit of edge helps.

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A friend of mine's partner does resume writing as part of his job. When I got laid off a few months ago, he offered to do mine for free.


He took my 25 years of being a radio DJ and made it sound like I actually did something other than screw around and get paid to make smart ass remarks on the air. He pretty much de-radioed my resume, which is what I was after because I don't want to work in that industry anymore.


There's only one problem. While everything he wrote on there is true and I did do the work he described, it's written in what I call "corporate BS speak." I'm told my resume now looks very impressive, but I look at it and have no connection to it at all nor am I terribly comfortable with it.


In the end, I got a job not because of the resume, but because I happened to see an ad in the paper and realize I knew the guy who was doing the hiring for that position. He used to be one of my listeners. Go figure.


But to hear the 2 career coaches I've gone to tell it, that's how most people get jobs -- they network and they either know the person hiring or know someone who knows the person doing the hiring.

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I'd never let someone else near my resume. As the last two posters have said, the resume reflects you in more than just its literal content, but also its style and layout, which things you've chosen to include, how you've chosen to describe them, how you've grouped them together etc.. If someone else does it, and especially someone you don't know, then it will end up looking like just one more "professional" resume, and believe me, they're easy to spot, and easy to discard.

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