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My anxiety of the past is killing me. help.


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My ex-bf (broken up 6 months, dated a year and a half) has recently gotten a new gf. As in in the last two weeks. He has been doing drugs, been horrible to me, and I do not want him back, but naturally I still miss the happy times and think about him often. I still have nightmares about him. A week ago I texted him about some papers I had of his. His said to leave him alone, he was with someone now. I jokingly said: "I hope it goes great and you have amazzzing sex!" and he said "All that and then some." Which is very cruel, considering we were almost engaged, and I attempted suicide at the time of our breakup. Then the gf calls and leaves a voicemail telling me to "Leave her bf alone I just make him miserable, and yes they have GREAT sex, but do I really want him to tell me that and just make me feel worse?" I texted back warning that he may lie to her, since he lied to me. She told me "We are laughing at you, babykiller." (This is a reference to an abortion, a mistake I had at the beginning of the realtionship, which he has apparently told her about.)

This is probably one of the worst and most horrifying things that has ever happened to me, in my lifetime. I work and go to college, and I have anxiety. I feel like I'm literally going insane. I have meds and a therapist but it's not really helping. I'm a smart person and I try to control my thoughts but it seems useless. At work, I'll be doing something, and all of a sudden an image of them having sex pops into my head. It is disturbing and disgusting and starts making me feel sick to my stomach, but there's no way to get it out of my head. sometimes I'll be passing girls in the store and I think "I wonder if that's her? Is that her?" I constantly wonder what she looks like and why she is better than me, why he wants her, if she really is better in bed. I imagine them kissing. (I don't know what she looks like but my brain has made it up.) I wonder if she'll become pregnant, how often they have sex, etc. The thoughts will happen at any time. Any I'm also having nightmares.

Most of my friends go to college out of state but this paranoia is affecting my relationships with them as well. I'm constantly asking my 'best friend' "Who are you texting? What are you saying? Why are you going to parties without me?" And I think I'm driving him away.

I don't want my ex back. I've had sex in the months that have passed since our breakup. I have no idea why this is bothering me so much but I am so emotionally exhausted I feel like a zombie, and I've also called in sick to work and may lose my job. Does anyone else have these sorts of problems? What do you do?

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I am going through the exact same thing almost. My ex's girlfriend has totally turned him against me. She has taken over his phone, and texts me about how the are having sex, or how he didnt love me, or how he doesnt want to remember the good times. She is driving me insane. I hate how he has said everything about me to her. She knows all my dirty secreats, what went on in the relationship, she even said she knew where I lived (that scares me alittle).


I am letting her get to me, I know its not him saying all those things, she is afraid he still has feelings for me so has taken over his way of thinking (almost).


Shes a rebound, I hope.


Its hard to get the mind off the other girl, its like she has taken over my brain, blahhhhh!

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What he and his new gf is doing is immoral and wrong. You seem to be hurting alot over this and it started to effect you physically as well as mentally. Attempting suicide over a guy (who doesn't care about you) is NOT the way to accomplish anything. I know it is hard, but you must pull yourself together and stop this. You are younge, still have a full life in front of you, and abortion is not a bad thing, though this might bring a whole other chapter of debate here. It was something you decided to do because you weren't ready, don't think about it. DO NOT MESSAGE HIM NOR HIS GF and talk to him, don't say stuff like have a great sex or so. It will only aggrivate you and him.


busy yourslef with friends and work and start a new life. he is history, you live now and you have the future to look forward to, life is not finished because one guy who didn't care about you has left you.



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You seriously NEED to let go. Throw away everything you have of his so that you have no excuse to contact him. Remove him from all electronic devices and web based pages.EVERYTHING. I do understand where you are coming from. What you have to remember is you can not control him. You can not make him love you or like you or want you or even be nice to you. If he does not want to he is NOT going to. Move on with your life because you are flogging a dead horse and making yourself sick and runing your life over something you can not control.

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