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The flip side of a coin...

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Had contact from my ex after 5 weeks of going NC. We discussed about having me send her her things, which I've declined to send them to her, mainly her sewing machine. There are 34 boxes of her stuff which I've packed away. Through toil and sadness I managed to get them packed. I know the right thing in most cases would be to send them to her, but its just not my responsibility and she should have thought about her things before leaving me in such a cowardly manner.


She told me she isn't seeing anyone but that she's only 'friends' with her ex. They had a DVD night together some night ago. Which in a way confirms my past suspicion that I was indeed the rebound guy.


At any rate, I was indifferent and didn't show much care. I know she's using him as a crutch all the while he has a girlfriend. Suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder she'll be hell bent on going after what she cannot have, and is willing to break his relationship with his new found girlfriend. She's an exceptional actor and hence a master charmer, so I would not be too surprised if he falls for her again. I hope though, for his own sake that he does not sleep with her since she's cheated on him with four other guys and this he does not know. Poor guy.


I actually felt sorry for this guy even when she cheated on me with him, who was her ex, then... she didn't tie all the loose ends with him before latching onto me. Goodness, then after which came the deceit and lies, heh.


Yeah, she's a REAL piece of work she is!!


Anyways, back to her sewing machine though, she was furious because this is an expensive sewing machine and I had told her it isn't my responsibility to do her bidding by sending it back to her. She would either have to come and get it herself or I'm going to throw it away. Being out of state it was a wee bit difficult for her to pick them up, I guess. Along with her other possessions. She tried to guilt me and for a moment she almost succeeded but I managed to derail her manipulative ways.


Wow, I'm so glad I do not want anything to do with this piece of work... oh, and at the end of the phone conversation she asked if she could ask me a personal question...


"Can I ask you a personal question?

"Yeh, what is it?"

"Do you douche?"


Then proceeded to crack up with hysterical laughter! I felt a sudden illness hit me, to hear her brimming at the edge of loosing it. I had no idea where this came from but I felt nausea and discomfort as I feared she was really loosing it... loosing it like, her cheese slipping off her cracker, loosing it.


I said my goodbyes, and hung up. Although I was going to just hang up on her...


So glad I'm out of her life for good! Feels good to be this liberated, heh.

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34 boxes plus a sewing machine...and she expects YOU to pay the big bucks to ship it to HER! You might want to get a legal opinion on this and find out what you can do...surely you don't want all her stuff taking up space...and yet why should you fork out money to ship HER stuff. She really does sound like a piece of work. You are so much better without her. Perhaps you can learn how to sew and make use of her machine! My father just sewed bedroom curtains for me...came out much cheaper than buying curtains.

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CAD, I'm awesome at sewing, I used to sew for my mum as she'd only get 2 cents per clothing, so we had to sew like 12000 pieces of clothing to make any amount of money! So yeah, I sew alright, I sew like the wind I do!


Her mum is a lawyer, her dad a doctor with highly influential ministers and friends. Her sister is also a lawyer... so yeah, I could get in deeps but I have given her a time frame...


Your dad rocks by the way! And yeah, I agree sewing your own things works out way cheaper and in some instances looking better. I bet yours look tops!


Amure, I'm not planning to be home when or if she does come to pick them up. How she does it is not my business.


EDIT: I sew and fix my siblings and friends clothing too, be they leather or such. Buttons, I love sewing buttons and shanks. The old way, heh. I like buying old well tailor made clothing and fix them myself... the quality is so unbelievable...

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Hahah, well, I should get you to sew her stuff for her then!


Oh, I love those old sayings, thanks for sharing them.


Here's some that I can think of:


"A modest little person, with much to be modest about."


"Cheats when filling out opinion polls."


"Not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree." Gah, that's her favorite saying...

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Hahah, well, I should get you to sew her stuff for her then!


Oh, I love those old sayings, thanks for sharing them.


Here's some that I can think of:


"A modest little person, with much to be modest about."


"Cheats when filling out opinion polls."


"Not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree." Gah, that's her favorite saying...


Love those sayings. I can't speak Yiddish but I know the English translations of some funny Yiddish insults:

"You should grow like an onion with your head underground"

"He has the personality of a garlic sandwhich"

"I hope he has a child named after him soon" (in Jewish tradtion a child is named after someone who is no longer around...deceased).

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Although I imagine the pain of the breakup is still there, I bet it is comforting to know that this person doesn't even deserve your attention for how childish and selfish she is. Sometimes I think it is easier to move forward when you realize how immature someone is after a relationship.

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Love those sayings. I can't speak Yiddish but I know the English translations of some funny Yiddish insults:

"You should grow like an onion with your head underground"

"He has the personality of a garlic sandwhich"

"I hope he has a child named after him soon" (in Jewish tradtion a child is named after someone who is no longer around...deceased).


Hahaha~! Those are hilarious! I love the last one!!


Although I imagine the pain of the breakup is still there, I bet it is comforting to know that this person doesn't even deserve your attention for how childish and selfish she is. Sometimes I think it is easier to move forward when you realize how immature someone is after a relationship.


That is indeed true. Man, I don't know what it was but it felt like a river had washed my head clear at that moment when she went bongo on me. It felt so odd to be that clear... and she just carried on while I remained silent.


You know, she still blames me for getting pissed off with her when I found out about her infidelity. Turned the events 1080 degrees around and I almost took them to heart... and admittedly they did get to my head! At times they would confuse me and I'd be all quiet while my head plays through these emotions of utter confusion. This is when I go all quiet as I panic and squander to try and make up for her actions and mine - why I'm still with her and why is she like this toward me? I love her, I'll try and make things better, I must! This happens when some of the things she does or how she'd behave with other males would trigger the thoughts of her infidelity. This was going on in my head when I was trying to process on forgiving her.


Yet all the same, she'd get all upset and say she's walking on eggshells because I'm detaching from her... she hated that, and this was one of the sole reasons she wanted to break up when she returned to her parents the first time around.


Told her mum and dad how bad I was... crikeys...


Wow, how did she do all that I wondered when she broke up with me, but now I know... Heck, the emotional roller coaster ride I went through... How did I survive it all, and I still wanted her in my arms, back then. >_



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