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Well I'm back... Second chance failed.


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your story and everyone's is so similar...i seriously can't believe this SH**


well i've failed cos my ex's efffed me over enough and i just kinda took her back....

ill post my whole story soon...

but i tried...and she wanted me back...and...we did it...although i dont really have feelings....as i use to.

after sleepin with her i felt like * * * * ...


but i'll post my story.i know its been a couple months...pls keep me updated and tell me wats up now!



Man, 6 months later, I'm feeling a lot better about myself. I'm moving on slowly but surely but I'm still hurt over the breakup. She hurt me in the worst way possible... Anyway, I think the key to second chances when the breakups are similar to mine (one leaves for someone else thinking that the grass must be greener) is that the dumper must want the relationship back equal to or even more than the dumpee. When the dumper comes back halfway, they don't put in much effort and it all fails again.

In my case my ex is lost. She's still with the other guy I presume but she calls me every 2 weeks or so telling me that she misses me and that she wants to fix things with me. The problem with that is she hurt me sooo badly that there's no way I'll take that chance with her anymore. There's only so much pain one can take before he must decide to move on

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