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I want to quit drinking!!!

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So, I really want to quit drinking. I spend so much money on alcohol and the morning after I feel really yucky. I eat horrible because I crave junk foods when Im hungover and I hate the feeling.


So just do it right? Not so easy. I love to go out. I love to dance. I love to dress up and go out and see my favorite Dj's in the city. It's honestly not as fun to be completely sober when everyone around you is on a whole' nother level. Anyone have any advice or tips? I mean the days I spend hungover are days I'll never get back and I keep putting off things that I need to do. I NEVER drive drunk and have actually never thrown up or blacked out from drinking so it's not like crazy insane status but I would like to know anyone who has stopped drinking or cut down and their experiences. Thank you

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I quit for a month at a time twice throuhout the year due to a medical issue. To be brutally honest, I really just have to stop going out to events, bars, and venues where alcohol is the main attraction for a while. It's just too tempting and one or two beers can easily lead to 7 or 8...or more.


My opinion would be to just cut back on the amount of times you go out in a given month. If it's 10, then go out 5. You've saved half your money right there. Spend the other nights on hobbies or doing sober things with friends like movies or games.

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It is possible to go out and have a good time and not drink. I did it last night. Got home at 6am. You just have to tune in on everyone else's vibe. People drink to lower their inhibitions, so if everyone else around you is drunk, they will not be looking at you, thereforee you can lower your inhibitions and have a good time with the comfort that you are not being judged.

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I don't drink a lot, but when you go out the social pressure to drink can be insane. I get so many people questioning me, or trying to make me drink it's offensive.


If you don't enjoy clubs when sober I'd suggest maybe trying to cut down the amount you drink - 2 or 3 drinks and then switch to energy drinks or alternating between booze and water/non-alc.


If you don't feel able to stop yourself after a few then try to cut down the amount of nights you go out clubbing.

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I have noticed also that if I go out and just have a beer or two and work on a nice buzz I have found that I can stay out much later, have much better conversation, and still wake up the next morning refreshed. It certainly is a great reminder that going out and getting drunk everytime you're at one of these places isn't necessary.

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Thanks everyone... I guess it doesnt help that Im still healing from a four year relationship and staying in playing scrabble is fun but not every night =) The truth is Most of the times I go clubbing I actually don't drink that much because I just enjoy dancing and being around people. Its so hard because everywhere I go Im surrounded by alcohol. If my girlfriends want to meet up and have a night in we always get wine, if Im going out to dinner there's always cocktails, margaritas..... I did go to AA just to see and although I have nothing against it, it didnt really do anything for me...

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Thanks everyone... I guess it doesnt help that Im still healing from a four year relationship and staying in playing scrabble is fun but not every night =) The truth is Most of the times I go clubbing I actually don't drink that much because I just enjoy dancing and being around people. Its so hard because everywhere I go Im surrounded by alcohol. If my girlfriends want to meet up and have a night in we always get wine, if Im going out to dinner there's always cocktails, margaritas..... I did go to AA just to see and although I have nothing against it, it didnt really do anything for me...


Do you feel pressurised to have a drink, or do you feel unable to turn down alcohol if it's there?


The hard part really is learning to say no and then have people accept it. It can be weird to begin. Set yourself limits and learn to stay within them.

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You can do a couple things to make sure you don't end up drinking when you go out.


1. Always sign up to be the designated driver. If you HAVE to be sober/legal then there's no excuse for you to give in to drinking and your friends won't hound you to keep up.


2. Opt for non-alcoholic versions of drinks. You can actually get a similar feeling of loosening up when you order the non-alcoholic version of some drinks.


3. When you do have to drink, drink very slowly. If you are pounding drinks you'll have to get another or someone else will get you one. If you are still working on one then it won't be an issue. Baby sips.


4. You can try to find other types of 'out' that aren't clubs/bars where you can still have fun but where alcohol isn't necessary. 'In' doesn't have to be scrabble either, and at least when you are in you can have other options for drinks.


5. This one is a good one especially if people are always trying to get you to drink more. Make it a diet thing and not a 'oh just because' thing. Tell the people you drink with that you want to go on a diet of sorts and that you are serious about it. This means you don't have to worry about getting trashed with tons of empty calories and then you won't have to have the junk food the next day either. When they tell you to have Rum and Diet Coke just tell them they are stupid. haha


Best of luck

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You just have to remember the hang-over, the pukiness, the runny eggs dripping down your throat the next day when you are wanting to go out and have fun - yet feel like a sadck of doo doo.


Nights I stay sober, maybe one drink or two, and some of my friends go all out - the reward is the next day, I'm out ready to go early in the morning and their days are basically ruined! Perfectly good sundays.


I used to do quite a bit of drinking back in the day, and a lot of pot. Pot was harder for me to give up than drinking, but it was the same idea that got me to stop and that made it rather easy.


Remembering the bad stuff, the concequences, when right in the midst of the good time and when you are feeling "ahh, what the hell!".


It's totally up to you. But it does help sometimes to actually sit down and write it out - literally! - the positives and the negatives of staying sober.


Once you can turn down on those times you don't really want it all that bad, you'll also feel a lot better about the occasional times you do indulge.


Once you convince yourself, genuinely, that it more fun staying sober, it's all golden. It's too hard to try and say no, and battle with yourself, if you still see getting drunk as the desirable thing to do.

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I have stopped drinking for months at a time in the past. I have recently embarked on an entire year of not drinking. Personally, I find it a lot easier than actually drinking. I know what you mean about going out to dance and have fun- the alcohol is just always there. But you can count yourself lucky that you don't seem to need to drink to dance, which is what a lot of people do.


For me, I know a few people that don't drink at all, and I like the way they conduct themselves and their lives. They never lose a day to a hangover. It's just completely not even an issue for them. I admire them and want to be like them, which is what motivates me. Do you have any friends that don't drink? This could be the time to open yourself up to different hobbies and in turn, different types of people. Even if it's just one or two people out of ten, it helps to see others living a different way.


I would strongly recommend at least giving it a try. Tell yourself you're going to do a month of no drinking, and see how you feel. Sometimes it's easier to start with a specific time period instead of setting yourself up by saying you'll never ever drink again.

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Listen, you might try getting a cat.......no, let's forget THAT one.


Seriously, you might check and see if there is a non-alcoholic bar/club (yes, they do exist) in your area. Check with any AA type groups or Rehab Facilities. If there is one, THEY'D be the ones to know about it.

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Start drinking "virgin" drinks, the same thing without the booze. If you can't do that talk to the bartender and ask them to make it a short one ... put in 1/2 the alcohol of a normal drink, then learn to make that last. Get a glass of water to go with it. Drink twice as much water as your cocktail. Or put ice in your wine (I hear wine connoisseurs cringing).


If none of those tactics help then find a program to help you. If you cannot wean yourself off, then you could be a problem drinker, better to find out now than 10 years from now, when there is no maybe about it.


If anyone gives you trouble for not drinking more, tell them you are watching your weight, booze is straight empty calories and a lot of them, and you are cutting back on the alcohol.

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