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i dont understand what i did wrong?

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i have been with my bf for three years, and well i used to spy on him and check his cell phone, which was at least a year ago. well he keeps bringing it up and saying some things i do make him hink about it. what am suppose to do? i mean he gets soo mad at me for things i couldnt even imagine him getting mad about, like i called him on my way home and said i love you and asked what he was doing and he flipped out. i mean i can understand that he though i was like trying to see what he was doing like he was doing somerhing he shouldnt but i think he overacts and nothing i do is good enough. please give me some advice!

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You guys have been together for awhile you guys should be able to trust each other. Just got to swallow your questions that sound like your spying. He will definitely notice and might even comment on it. But like the other guy said it's Communication that helps the trust and honesty be there. Tell him how you feel, and ask how he feels about you checking up on him. Ask him what is most appropriate and what's not. You just gotta talk!

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