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My ex and i broke up about a week--2 weeks ago. Since then, weve texted everyday, and seen each other twice. Both these times, weve had sex. And, by the looks of things..this isnt going to stop soon. Were both not talking about commitment..just going with the flow i guess. He knows that i want him back as my boyfriend; he broke up with me. Ive made this known very well, but for a few days havent pushed it...as he said he just cant be with me right now as my bf, which i understand. Weve been together for years..what is this?! FWB? just easing the pain? Im so confused...but i have to add, he isnt seeing anyone...or having sex with anyone as far as i know, and as far as his friends know(they told me) and he still has me up in his buddy profile for AIM, facebook is still set as in a relationship with me, and my picture is everywhere on there and myspace. Thoughts??

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Youre just dealying the pain.. and the eventuall break up... he is just using you.. he will never come back to you this way.. and slowly will start treating in a worse way...


and eventualy start being with other women and you... losing total respect for you... its a viscous cycle that you are putting yourself thru.. you will start losing respect for yourself and self estem will fall.. and wonder why no guy wants you.. but you will always be around your ex.. because he wants you.. but only for sex...


if you have feeling for him.. stop what you are doing... if you have no feeling for him. but enjoy the sex.. then ok have fun.. but it sounds like you have feeling and it will only get worse.. be stronger then this.. and find a guy that will appricate you and treat you with respect....

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Be careful


Point is it all may be a hush hush thing, a private thing, but the truth is, hes a single man, and he is free to do what single men do.


He could be sleeping with anyone, as well as you. That is how diseases spread. Not lecturing but im just saying, you dont want to end up with a life threatening disease just because you were so blinded by love, do you?


Think long and hard about this - do you really want to be just a play-toy?


I know its hard it sucks and it sucks and it sucks.

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Oh dear... I'll keep this short... keeping a vibrator next to your bed when you're in "need" would suffice more in the long run for you then this FWB situation you have happening with your ex.


This pain you're prolonging will eventually start eating at your conscience and you'll start questioning yourself and your loyalty when the opportunity for possible love mates come along, in which case you'll just pass on them thinking your chances with your ex will bear fruit. When in reality they never will because he has all the benefits he wants without the commitments.


You're worth more that how he has you cornered... this is now "your" time, this is now all about you! There is no "us" there is only "him, him and him". This he knows and loving it!

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