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Trembling, I grasped the rail and right hand over left hand, made my way upward

Uncomfortably aware of the chasm below, gingerly taking each step...

Baby steps, one at a time

Palms are sweaty now

Heart is racing


We finally reach the top, he and I

At this moment, I despise him


The attendant is waiting at the bridge

I vocalize my unhappiness and resentment, and he understands

I hear this all the time, he says with a grin

But I really mean it, they’re just being silly


What the hell am I doing here

I contemplate saying no, leaving that surreal place

I’m no longer expressing my displeasure, but have fallen silent and still


We each sit down on the hard wooden bench. My legs are trembling in fear

His tremble in anticipation


The attendant takes a special binding. Strong, I hope

He binds our ankles together

Hog tied


I think I just experienced what a bad marriage is like

Stuck shuffling, shuffling towards the edge


Stuck together, my bare legs bound to his denim clad legs

We face each other

He wants to kiss me


I want to slap him


At the instruction of the attendant, we inch forward

It takes an eternity to reach the edge of the bridge

It did take a long time. I have it on video, as proof that I’m not exaggerating

At the edge, we are pushed off by the attendant


We free- fall into the river canyon

Somehow I have time to notice that my vision is cleared

We continue to fall, upside down and inside out, and the world looks more beautiful than ever before

Even upside down, everything is right with the world

In between maniacal screaming, I am joyous and amazed


We bounce upwards, once, twice, and we begin to slow

The world starts to move again

I cling to him like a koala to a gum tree

No way am I letting go. I cannot will my arms to let go, so I stop trying, and just hold him


I don’t hate him so much anymore. Hate is being overcome by a rush of love and thankfulness

Who else would make me jump off a bridge so as to not let me miss out on the great experiences of life?

Hanging upside down, heads a foot above the water, we kiss

Like the scene in the rain with Spiderman and Mary Jane


We’re dangling now, and my hog-tied ankles begin to swell

Pain sets in, the binding wrapped so tightly around my ankles begins to constrict even more

Blood rushes to my head, and I yell to the attendant

Can we come down now??


A boat waits below, a wonderful sight

Soon we will be upright again

Not soon enough, yet it’s over all too soon


The attendant in the boat grabs my arms as I dangle just inches above the water

He pulls me in, and instructs me to do a sort of somersault

I obey. The boat is my friend, and my shirt is starting to flip up past my belly

I twist and roll into the boat and mercifully, he rids me of the ankle bindings


I am upright, sitting, finally.

I know at some point we made it out of the boat and onto shore


I don’t remember how

I remember the absolute exhilaration, and the love, and the remnants of fear which materialized themselves in my somewhat shaky legs

I’m so glad you made me do this! I exclaim...about ten times on the way to the car


Adrenaline pumps through me right up until we’re ordering lunch at a local diner

It’s my birthday, and I just jumped off of a bridge

So I’ll have the biggest burger you have, thanks.

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