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Any other men out there with Strechmarks?

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I have stretchmarks! I really couldn't believe it. I turned around one day and they were there.


It happened like three years ago. I wasn't going to the gym that much but I was still eating like I go to the gym everday. Anyway, I put on a few extra pounds (about 30). One day I am getting out of the shower and I am like "Are those stretchmarks on my love handles!" I could not believe it. It is so embarrassing. I mean, I am a damn MAN! It wasn't even like I got that big though. I think it was just that I put on that weight is so little time that my body stretched to much...


I have since lost all of the weight and I am in the gym constantly. I am probably in better shape now then I ever was in my life (I have exercised most of my life). But the stretchmarks remain I can't begin to tell you how depressing this is for me. I sometimes wonder if I should even continue to work out at all. I mean, I get a lot of compliments on my body from women, but there is always that question "HOw is she going to react when she sees this mess? ". Thus far, I have not had any women runaway, but I still feel self-conscious about them.


Are there any other guys out there that have this same issue? If so, what did you do about it? Can anything be done about it? I see a lot of stuff on the internet that claims to get rid of them but they all look like scams...

Is there anything that actually WORKS?


TO THE LADIES: If you were dating a guy who was in great shape but had stretchmarks, would you continue to see him?




32 w\stretchmarks

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Even though I am not a female, I tend to agree that it wouldnt drive someone away since you have stretch marks.


Its not the end of the world, believe me. I had stretch marks right near my lower arm, they lasted for a good couple of months. Then my body readjusted and they disappeared. One day there, the next they werent.


Dont stress, I know many guys who have stretch marks and have loving relationships with beatiful women. Keep up with the gym, dont give that up. Stretch marks are caused by increasing or decreasing muscle size, as a result the skin in stretched. This is good my man, it means you are really dedicated to getting in shape.


Keep hittin gthe gym, I wouldnt worry about the stretch marks.

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Solja, I feel for you hun! I have stretchmarks and they have made me feel very uncomfortable at some times. But the truth of the matter is most people do, it doesn't make you faulty, and it deffinately doesn't make you unattractive or undateable! Also, I think that any woman who would judge you so harshly is not someone I would be able to trust or begin a relationship with. Almost a test?


Good Luck, and remember you are not alone!

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Michael: Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I think these are permanent. I know the kind you are talking about (I've had a couple of those on my arms and chest that disappeared), but these are right where my love handles used to be. I don't think they are going away. But I do appreciate the words.


Thanks to you too Molly!


It's just hard knowing that I have worked out most of my life,and I now have these things! I mean, from maybe one or two years of excess weight.

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First off...I had a child very young...and have had stretch marks for 6 years....the redness fades, and they get smaller...but completely disappearing? No.


They are only noticeable in full on light though - not in candle light, or in the shower (luckily).


My boyfriend has a couple on his back, and it doesn't bother me at all. Maybe it's because I have them too? Either way...it shouldn't bother you that much - there are MANY people who have them. It depends on your skin's elasticity. I have a (male) friend who is very slender and thin. He is 1/2 chinese and 1/2 itallien....he has major stretch marks....never really gained much weight. It has alot to do with genetics.


But, I feel you...I know what it's like to be self conscious. But, do you really want a superficial person as a partner anyways? I know I don't. I hope you don't feel to awkward about them...they really aren't as bad as you think.

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I think most people have them to some degree.

My ex is a model and even he has some stretch marks...he got them from growing tall very quickly .

I have them too, it was from losing and gaining weight too quickly.

They tend to look less noticeable when you are tanned - so try that. Also use a good vitamin E moisturiser or oil on the affected areas. This will help the marks fade a bit


And don't worry they probably aren't even that noticeable to other people.

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I will try to stay positive.


So I take it that there is no way to get rid of them totally?


I am game to go "under the knife" if that is what it takes...


Any suggestions?


Has anyone heard of\use this stuff called "Strivectin SD" does it work?

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My friend recently visited a cosmetic dermatologist, and he was informed that there is no way to get rid of them. (Aside from cutting out flesh).


Time, and tan. That's it.


There is preventative things like making sure your skin is well oiled at all times. Shea Butter/Cocoa Butter/Vitamin E Cream - being the best. You have to apply them at least 2 times a day.

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  • 1 month later...



Topical Vitamin E may be useful in preventing them somewhat. Not a lot of studies on that yet but it probably won't hurt.


If they are still red you may want to try topical Retinoic Acid. It's a vitamin A analogue. It won't prevent them and it doesn't do much if they are already faded and it is somewhat of an irritant all by itself but it can reduce their appearance in the long run if you use it while they are still red. You CAN NOT us it while pregnant - babies born without ears and stuff like that. Ask your pharmacist about it Retin A.


Women have given me a pretty hard time with mine. At least one broke up with me over them. It's nice to hear I'm not alone.


Too bad they aren't called stripes. Everybody likes stripes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't feel bad about your stretch marks.


Both my BF and myself have stretch marks and we're both 22 and in decent shape. We're both fairly tall and I think we grew too fast and the skin never caught up in some places . I love him stretch marks or no stretch marks.


As long as you're a decent person and treat others the way you'd like to be treated, it doesn't matter. No one is perfect and neither are their bodies. If someone doesn't like it, there is someone else who will. From what you wrote, it doesn't sound like the ladies are running away from you so don't worry.



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Ha! No, personally i woudln't leave my guy if he had stretchmarks. I woudln't even care!!!


Anyways, my sister feels exactly the way you do. She has stretchmarks on her thighs and her legs, and she's goign mental over them. I did overhear somewhere on tv or on the radio or in a magazine- god knows where i read or heard this, but i DID hear about it that there is a cream out there that will help it fade away.


You know what? I remember! It was from TV i was watching a program on pregnant women...And after pregnancy they have all these stretchmarks. So there is an avilable cream out there that should be avail in your local stores to reduce its appearnce. And even though you're a man, dont be embarrased to get it even if it were made for preg. mothers!! Say it's for your "wife" in teh end you're the one who gets all the gains from using it!

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My honey has stretch marks. He was a seriously skinny guy in highschool...and just bulked up as he got older. I see them all over his biceps and on his thifgs...even his belly (that's been growing lately). I don't think anything of it because it's a part of him. I know he's self-conscious about it...but i don't find it ugly or pretty...it's just how his skin is. I love him anyway. I have a few myself from when i had my children...but they are barely noticeable...especially when my tan is a bit better...which is during the summer. I wouldn't stress to much over it. I love my honey anyway....it's a package deal. So the ladies that live you will feel the same.

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