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there is no such thing as spot reducing! you have to lower your overall bodyfat..typically the first place it comes on is the last place it comes off


the key is BOTH nutrition and exercise!


squats and lunges are great but make sure you are doing them with perfect form..have someone who knows what they are doing watch your form

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Fat is lost from all over your body. You can't spot reduce areas of your body. You can however tone them up. Squats, lunges, step ups, abductors and adductors will all tone your thighs.


People say that, but when I exercize, everything seems to tone up except the bit on my upper thighs stays.

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hhhhhmmmmm.... Thinking... thinking.... I don't get it.


The only time my thighs ever seemed in shape to me was when I was 20 pounds lighter.


But everyone gave me a hard time about looking too skinny and my dad always talked about being worried about me and my weight.


So - I'd like to cut about 10 pounds. But there's no spot work that can be done enough to tone my legs?

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The ultimate thigh exercise? Horseback riding. Again you don't really feel it until afterward, you don't "grip" with your thighs but use these muscles subtlety to maintain balance. There is a study that compares a unique Pilate's exercise to horseback riding, only two activities that strengthen the inner thigh muscles effectively.


Is there a stable any where near you? Lessons and opportunities abound, you can get more exercise by working off the cost, cleaning stalls. that is primarily raking which is awesome for the waist line.

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Walking actually does a lot for the thighs. It reduces fat plus builds long lean muscles vs. bunched up ones like squats might do.


Take a 20-30 minute walk.


Part of the problem though with thighs is that everybody's body tends to hang onto fat in certain places... some people gain it in thighs, others belly, others hips, others butt. So if you are a 'pear' type body, the last place the body will give up fat is the thighs, so to get rid of them you have to be pretty lean.

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Doing exercises only focuses on the muscles. You are strengthening and toning the muscles. It does nothing for fat. The fat will remain there.

In order to get rid of the fat you need to do cardio because fat is lost from an all over type of ordeal. You can't spot reduce fat. You can only tone those muscles with specific exercises, but then that only leaves you with strong and toned muscles that you can't see because they are still covered with fat!

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