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A Soldier's Stance-Poem


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She stands firmly at attention, never to divert her stare,

She exhibits the courage of a soldier, a soldier without fear.

Her militant façade conceals what she doesn't want you to see,

A wounded heart reluctant to love held captive by her uncertainty.

Once marching in unison, holding her lover's unconditional hand,

An abrupt 'about face' she's taken, 'at ease,' she's chosen to stand.

Love's battlefield is covered with the remnants of where she's been,

Camouflaged feelings mask what she's kept hidden deep within.

With brevity and determination she emerges to conquer on her own,

Determined to prove victorious detached from reinforcement and alone.

Trained to fight the good fight, her ammunition always at her side,

Aiming for her happiness; a target only this soldier can hit from inside.

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she stands firmly at attention, never to divert her stare,

she exhibits the courage of a soldier, a soldier without fear.

Her militant façade conceals what she doesn't want you to see,

a wounded heart reluctant to love held captive by her uncertainty.

Once marching in unison, holding her lover's unconditional hand,

an abrupt 'about face' she's taken, 'at ease,' she's chosen to stand.

Love's battlefield is covered with the remnants of where she's been,

camouflaged feelings mask what she's kept hidden deep within.

With brevity and determination she emerges to conquer on her own,

determined to prove victorious detached from reinforcement and alone.

Trained to fight the good fight, her ammunition always at her side,

aiming for her happiness; a target only this soldier can hit from inside.

your poems amazeing and i luv it...very strong

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