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Would any even care if I was gone??


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Hi, I just want to say thanks to any who is going to read this and try and help me out. It seems like right now my life seems so pointless. I have never been able tell someone who I really care how I feel that whats keeps holding me back and I don't what to do. I can't turn to my family because they don't understand.I am pretty much a loner even when Im with my friends or famliy I still feel like I completely alone espically at school. Since this September I thought my life was actually getting better now I have my doubts. I met a girl that I thought who was someone different because she was the first person in a long time to try and get to know me. I mean I want to get to know her but how do I do it when pretty much my whole life I felt like now one understands me. I try to have confiedence some friends and famliy said I should go into clubs like taking Martial Arts. I take Shotokan Karate they that martial arts in general is good way for you to feel more confident in yourself. Most of the time when I am by my self im either practcing my martial arts or reading about the history about the style I take or just other styles in general. At this point in my life Shotokan Karate is probably one of the most important things to me, it more than just hobby.Right now I feel like just like giving up I don't who turn to for help about my realationships with friends and family ....what do I do from here??

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I know that you've already heard the "Don't give up" speeches, they come at a rate it's almost frustrating pace. But there is some truth to those speeches, you shouldn't give up. I was in your place years ago, so I know what you're going through, but you have to remember, you're still young and you have many years ahead of you. Things will indeed change, it's impossible for life to continue absent from change. You will change and you will grow, and with growth comes new perspective. You can't give up now, you'd be quitting before you ever really get started, especially when you're at the doorstep to the rest of your life.

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from wut u said, it seems u do have things to live for. ur karate for one. with this girl, let her get to no u and u should get to no her. just do casual things together on in a group like go to a mall or shopping center, c movies, ect. mayb u can even find a quiet place to get to no each other. I find that the elementary school's playground, which is in walking distance is a great place to meet ppl and hang out. if u live near a beach thats good to. this girl could become ur confidant. u might not want to tell her if u like her quite yet, become good friends first. u need 2 find some1 2 talk 2. ne1 u can trust, and ud b surprised how many ppl u can trust. hope this helps good luck!

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First thing is first you sound depressed. You need to take focus on your karate, and make goals out of it. Push yourself to the limit, and make yourself become bound and determined to finish what you started. Of course don't give up. Also like another poster said get to know his girl, and open yourself up to her somewhat. Don't tell her all your sad feelings right at first because it may scare her away unless she tells you all her sad feelings first. Talk to a good friend of yours or even your martial arts teacher, and tell them how you feel, and maybe they can advise you on how to deal with those feelings. You could also see your school counselor or a licensed therapist. I am not much in to therapy because I think they are quacks just there to put you on drugs and to make money, but others have different opinions. Counserlors in schools seem to be more helpful because they live in the real world and don't get paid by your visit. Well I hope I helped you some.

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Dude, I've been down that road before, I know exactly how you feel. Do you know who would care if you are gone, all of us at Enotalone would care. It sucks that your family and friends don't understand what you are going thru. Focus on your karate. My parent's told me to take the martial arts route, but I refused to, so I did the therapy route and it helped me. Try to find a counselor to talk to close to where you live. Things will be better for you, trust me. A warrior is strong and brave and you ARE a warrior.



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You are far too young and have far too much to live for to be even making any type of categorical statements about your life. Being young is tough.Life has many phases. Gradually you will get beyond this phase and continue to grow as an individual and a person. I am positive that 6 months-year from now you will look back and say, what was I saying ? I have so much to live for and life can be great. Remain positive.


In regards to the girl, get to know herl gradually and remain open to being friends first and slowly knowing one another better. Keep your chin up. Martial arts are great for self-confidence. I studied for 5 years akido and kick boxing. Met a lot of great people and my confidence went sky high.


Don't bottle anything up. If you need to discuss anything at all- use the forum and I am not adverse to helping any way I can.


Keep your chin up. Better days are ahead.

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I hate it when people call me young. Even at frail ol' 17 I think I have a pretty good view on life. I don't know how all you out there can say he is too young.


Its interesting how people can believe that finding a girlfriend will be the thing that will make them happy. I see it in all my friends who have never dated a girl before. I understand why, as I was down that road. But if you suddenly stop thinking about it (which is hard to do) and find, in your case Karate, something that makes you want to do something. As someone said before, completing a goal in one aspect of your life. By completing something it helps uncomplicate your life for one, and the second thing is that it will make your spirit go crazy and make you work harder at other things. Find things to do other than just simply do them to meet people. Like take up guitar (chicks love guys who can play guitar), you know go to concerts, hell get a piercing in your ear. Do something to make yourself feel unique to make yourself say, "screw all of you I am doing what i wanna do."


You may think that that is too extreme, but you would be surprised once you pass one crazy extreme in your life, the bar for all your goals goes up, thus making you stronger in many ways. Being your own and strongest friend is the best you can do. By going to eNotalone you will learn of others problems. When you see some that are worse than yours you can really view, "How much does my life suck compared to theirs." It is kinda of a mean way to look at it, but if it helps I say go for it.


Karate is good, it will keep you physically stronger (look better) and keeps your mind going. Hell I wish I did Karate, or anything for that matter when i was in your situation. I am an artist so I just do art, its great.


I will suggest this again because i think it is a good way to say "hey everyone I am here." learn how to play Guitar. Can't stress how much fun I have with my GF and some friends just chillen outside and listening to someone play guitar. Makes me happy.


Hope this helps. Make yourself happy. I wish you the best.


For Another

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ForAnother you had some good responses for The_Loner_Warrior, but the comment on he is young that was made I don't feel other members were trying to be offensive. They are simply stating that he has many years ahead of him. I am 20, and I know I am young. Having a good, strong, confident attitude towwards the years that lie ahead is very important because no one wants to live life in a dark hole of depression. You do live and learn also.

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Well, life isn't really about us, it's about others. Who do you want to help with your life? When you find out who you want to help, you will have found your purpose in life.


You see, yes, there are people that go around thinking life is all about them. They tend to be greedy, selfish, etc.. But nothing they do will satisfy them.. until... they begin to help others.


You will find that greedy or selfish people never have enough money, sex, power, etc.. never.. because it's never enough.


I can assure you, if you find out who you want to help with your life, you will find your purpose and your meaning.

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yeha i dont think anyone would miss me if i died...all of u think oh of course they would...well no. at school i have no friends cuz i lie and do stupid shit to lose friends..i dont have a bf and this guy i like thinks im a total nutcase cuz i really like him anyway my mom and dad hit me sometimes i mean im dead serious no one would miss me if someone would i would totally admit it...but i really dont think anyone would i wana kill myself so much i always try but then i chicken out its so stupid. i wanna just end. then i dont needa feel what im feeling and i know that the pain will go away but its with me right now and i dont want it i mean its seriously excrutiating...i dont know what to do im so upset bout this guy and i knw hes one of many and there will be more but i want him now now later...its totally getting to me the girl he likes is so perfect and i cnt stand it anymore im driving myself insane HELP ME...

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