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Wanting to Lose Body Fat


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Both at same time. Mix it up. I have been trying to do my weights on M, W and F and try to go cycling on tues and thurs and on weekends.


The weights will help turn the fat you have to muscle, and muscle burns more calories than fat, thus the more muscle mass you build now the more calories you will burn while on the treadmill doing your cardio.

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Loosing fat is REALLY simple sience. The hard part is actually doing it. I've recently lost 20 pounds and am at the lightest I've been since the 8th Grade. (No lie.)


Currently at 205. My high: 302lbs (When I was 16 years old).


The simple sience? Eat fewer calories than you burn. Duh.


Eat everything that you want, just do it in small portions, maybe remember that it takes up to 30 minutes before we feel satisfied. So even if you still feel hungry after eating, wait 30 minutes before you eat anymore.


And do Cardio. Building muscle and burning fat are two different siences. Weight lifting in high reps that uses the biggest muscles will yield the best results.


Such at squats. Do high reps, they are big muscles and will burn tonz of energy.

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Both at same time. Mix it up. I have been trying to do my weights on M, W and F and try to go cycling on tues and thurs and on weekends.


The weights will help turn the fat you have to muscle, and muscle burns more calories than fat, thus the more muscle mass you build now the more calories you will burn while on the treadmill doing your cardio.


Just a question,


So I have seen many people say this before "Turn FAT into MUSCLE". ???


So basically this means that it would be a great idea to go on a krispy cream diet, eat McDonalds every day and munch on sticks of butter to gain a lot of fat. THEN I can hit the gym and this fat will magically turn into muscle??? Wow. And all this time I have been worried that I should LOSE the fat that I have so I can INCREASE my muscle mass. hmm...


I guess I will stop working out now since I hardly have any fat and fat is the source of muscle since the theory is "fat turns into muscle".


I had always been under the impression that muscle and fat were two WAY different things and in order to get muscle, you have to build up the muscle fibers that you already have.


I was also under the impression that in order to tone up, you had to LOSE fat, not magically transform it into muscle. I thought that it was impossible for fat to turn into muscle because muscle fibers are a lot more complex.


Thank you for the insight!

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i would do weights first. but since you are a girl and probably not looking to be a monster size guy, you can do weights whenever. i know i lose energy if i do cardio first.


Me too. I cant do weights and cardio on the same day unless i do weights first. Generally I do them on different days. I dont work out to build big muscles tho, just to tone up.

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i would do weights first. but since you are a girl and probably not looking to be a monster size guy, you can do weights whenever. i know i lose energy if i do cardio first.


See not me....I get warmed up with cardio first. I do about 45 mins though. But if you're trying to lose weight I suggest at least an hr.

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Dude.. get a body bug. LOL Seriously it helps you out, you input your calories and how much body fat you want to have or something, it even gives you meal plans. It tracks how many calories you lost in a day etc. I just think its cool and would probably help..


what the hell is a body bug? LOL

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See not me....I get warmed up with cardio first. I do about 45 mins though. But if you're trying to lose weight I suggest at least an hr.


to actually promote weight loss, you should at least do 10 minutes of cardiovascular activity to where your heart rate is double than when it's at rest. but of course, the more the better. too much cardio can burn off muscle too. taking diet into consideration of course.

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Avi you have read into the comment literally. If you want to get picky on semantics what I am saying is replace your fat with muscle. GEESH! It should have gone without saying that to do this you are losing the fat thru cardio and building muscle thru weight training.


Lol. I know it was a bit sarcastic but I had good intentions.


I think that if someone is seeking advice, then we should not say such things like "turn fat into muscle". I personally know that this is not possible but if I didn't know any better and I were the one asking for advice, I may have taken your statement literally and thought that my fat would turn into muscle.


So just to clarify to the Original Poster, Yes, cardio is an excellent way to burn calories however if you are weight training, I would suggest that you still consume about ten times your weight in calories.


EXAMPLE: I weigh 190lbs so I would take in at least 1,900 calories a day plus 100 calories for every 30 minutes I work out.


So if you weigh 150lbs and work out 2 hours a day then here is your calculated intake


(your weight)X10 + (number of 30 minute intervals you work out)X 100 = Total calorie intake


(150)X10= 1500 (4)X100= 400


1500+400= 1900 calories.


Make sense?

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sorry, but that body bugg looks like it's an estimator like BMI. i don't recommend such a device.


You can even see how many calories ya burned during sex. lol It just tracks your calories, you input what you eat, it tracks how much you lost by you wearing it and if you listen you should lose a certain amount of body fat. But thats with diet and excersize.

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You can even see how many calories ya burned during sex. lol It just tracks your calories, you input what you eat, it tracks how much you lost by you wearing it and if you listen you should lose a certain amount of body fat. But thats with diet and excersize.


again, still an estimator. just like the bike at the gym that you put your hands on and it gets your heart rate, calories burned, etc. it's a calculation estimator. this all happens after you type in your weight, speed you want, etc.

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